Peter Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! I have my final tryouts for a theatre production I'm doing: Elf Jr.! It was rather interesting; I went out for Jovie, the main female character. I didn't think I did that well. Later, at the youth center, I saw the assistant director. She said that the director wants me to go out for Buddy the Elf, the main character.*screams*. Keep in mind, there are many other good actors being considered for the role. I'll probably be able to tell you tomorrow or the next day what role I got. While writing this oneshot, I was listening to Dodie Clark's Intertwined. Anyways, remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Modern Oneshot: Y/N wonders if she's comfortable to cuddle

(Off of that preference I did. I don't remember which one though. Go comment a '>*<' if you know where it is!)


Most people love cuddling. I mean, who wouldn't? Wrapping your arms around someone, making them feel safe, and visa versa. Snuggling up to someone you love, feeling the warmth of their body. Running your fingertips down their spine, over every curve and crevice and perfection and imperfection. Feeling their heartbeat, just slightly out of time with your own. Picking out everything about the other person, the freckle on their neck that you never noticed or the light curve of their hips. A time to realize how complex a human being can be, a time to let the world around you go to hell as long as you are with that person.


Y/N didn't always love cuddling. It gave her a certain nervousness that bordered anxiety that she wasn't comfortable to cuddle.


Peter loved to cuddle. He found it comforting and relaxing and everything calming. He loved that he could feel Y/N's spine and her collarbones and her hips. It didn't worry him that he could feel her bones, for her knew that she had always been like this. So, he relished in it. He ran his fingertips over her collarbones and kisses trailed behind. His arms wrapped around Y/N easily, holding her in a realm of security and safety.

He loved running his fingers over her ribs, feeling each bone. Feeling her knuckles and tendons moving in her hands, being able to see every movement she made so clearly, with such definition.

His favorite thing, however, was her hands. Her fingers long and nimble, running down his bare back, tapping at it like a piano. Her fingers intertwined with his own. Her fingers curling in his hair. Her hands pulling him closer to her body.

"Peter?" Y/N asked one day. Y/N was standing next to their bed, folding clothes. Peter was lying on his side of the bed, reading a book.

"Yes?' Peter replied, setting his book down and rolling onto his side to face his wife.

"When we cuddle, are you comfortable?" Y/N asked slowly. She didn't think that she wanted to know the answer, but she had already asked the question.

Peter scowled. He got up and walked around the bed to where Y/N was standing. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his hands on her prominent hip bones.

"Of course," he said, lightly kissing the back of her neck."Why wouldn't I be?"

Y/N set the shirt she was folding down and turned around in Peter's arms. She rested her hands on his chest, which was only covered by a white T-shirt.

Y/N shook her head."No reason." She leaned forward and pecked his lips, but Peter was still worried. He pushed her hair away from her face, kissing her hairline softly.

"Are you sure? Is there something bothering you?" he asked, rubbing her hip.

Y/N rested her head on Peter's chest, calming down at the sound of his heartbeat."Not really. I just wondered if I was too boney to cuddle comfortably."

"Y/N," Peter's voice was sad when he said this."Don't think that. Don't ever, ever think that. I love your figure. You are the only person I would ever want to cuddle with."

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