Peter Mini

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(A/N: Hey guys! Before we start, TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING. Okay. Let's do this. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Prompt: 'I almost lost you!'

(A/N: TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING okay I just feel better if I do that twice.)

Lucy sat by your bed, having pulled the hospital chair up so that she could sit next to you. The chair was uncomfortable, the sheets you were laying in were scratchy and the bandages they had wrapped around your arms were an unsightly color of beige without your blood soaking through them. The whole picture was wrong, everything seeming out of place to the youngest Pevensie, because it was; you shouldn't have been here, in a hospital bed recovering from one to many slits on your wrists.

Your phone buzzed from its place on the bedside table. Lucy jumped as it rattled against piece of plastic furniture. She picked it up without looking at it and answered the call, keeping her eyes on you to see if you were awoken by the startling noise.

"Y/N?" Lucy's heart sank at the sound of Peter's voice. "Y/N, where are you? I'm at your house and the police are here- Is Lucy okay?"

"I'm fine, Pete," Lucy answered.

"Lu?" She could here the worry in her brother's voice. "What's happened? Why did you answer Y/N's phone? Why is the police at you guy's house?"

"Oh, Pete," Lucy choked. She took a deep breath. "I need you to come to St. Barts."

She heard labored breathing on the other side of the phone. "Oh my gosh, Lu, what-"

"I'll explain when you get here, I promise, but I need you to hurry."

"I'm on my way."

A nurse came in about ten minutes later, telling Lucy that a man had come to the front desk, panting like he had run all the way here and saying that he need to see Y/N L/N over and over again. Lucy told the nurse that she could let him in, that he was family to both her and you, which wasn't entirely incorrect.

Lucy exited the room before Peter could get there, wanting to explain what had happened before he saw you. She wasn't sure how he would react, but she didn't want Peter walking in there blindly.

"Lucy," Peter exclaimed as he came out of the elevator. He looked past her to the door to your room. "Is Y/N in there?" he asked.

"She is," Lucy said cautiously, putting her hands up as though she could stop Peter from getting to you if she tried. "I want to tell you what happened before you see her, though."

"Did someone hurt her?"

Lucy explained, and tried to catch Peter when he fainted before she could finish the story.

When you woke up, Peter was sleeping in a hospital chair next to you. You nearly wondered as to why you were here, but you felt the pressure on your arms before you saw the bandages covering them.

You scrambled back towards the pillows, accidently kicking Peter's head which was resting at the foot of your bed. Peter jerked awake and, seeing your panicked expression, was quick to try to calm you down.

"Hey, Y/N," he said, coming to grasp your shoulders, "It's me, you're fine, you're safe."


"Lucy found you," he said. "She called an ambulance."

Your head was already pounding, but it throbbed when he said that Lucy had found you. You would have rathered anyone else but your best friend and flatmate, who was one of the sweetest people you had ever met.

"Why would you do this to yourself?" Peter stared at you. "Why would you nearly kill yourself, just for someone who cares about you to find you in a pool of your own blood, Y/N?"

"I wouldn't expect you to understand." You didn't speak harshly or coldly, because you genuinely believed that someone like Peter could never understand why you did what you did, or why you took it to this extent.

"I almost lost you!" he exclaimed. "I don't care if I don't understand, I just want to know why, so that I can maybe feel a little less helpless in this situation, and so as to not feel as though I'm letting the person I care about most in this world slowly die!"

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