Peter Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! Guess what? WE HIT 70K! AHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Also, this oneshot is based off an ongoing love story! I hope you like it! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot: Bus Boy

Darn Bus Boy.

Y/N didn't even know his name, but he was still consuming every part of her brain, every second of her day. He didn't even seem to be doing anything. Just be existing in that perfect way he exists, he was driving her mad, in a good way.

Y/N rode the bus everyday to a job that was going to end soon. She had a routine; get on the bus, do your waiting, get off. Until him, the bus was just a mode of transportation. Never in her wildest dreams could it have been the place that she met him.

Peter rode the bus everyday to the city center, a long ride but a cheap one, to class. What he studied didn't matter; what does, is that he knew that he worked best in the morning, so he scheduled his classes in the morning.

Peter had noticed Y/N. Of course he noticed her; the way her hair fell perfectly across her shoulders. The way she would sometimes doze of in the uncomfortable plastic seats. When she did fall asleep, her body would always relax, like when she was unconscious was when she was most at peace.

Y/N stepped onto the bus, glad to be done with work but not sure she would be awake enough to get off at her stop. She only saw two seats left, so she took the window seat, forcing herself to stay awake just a little bit longer. She looked around, trying to think about something that would keep her occupied. In her search for interesting thoughts, Y/N didn't notice Bus Boy sit next to her.

It didn't take her long, though. She noticed, but every move made her even more exhausted. She tried to get comfortable with her head leaned straight back against the window, and, thinking the window suddenly got a lot softer in her drowsy state, she snuggled into it and fell asleep.

Peter knew that it would be rude to wake the sleeping angel on his shoulder, so he didn't. He swore that he imagined her snuggling into him, but hoped he didn't. When he realized that her stop was coming up, and that she might miss it if he didn't do something, he gently shook her shoulder.

"This is your stop," he whispered whenever she was fully awake. The sleepy angel blushed, nodding and muttering a quick 'Thank you' before exiting the bus.

The next time they interacted, it wasn't because Peter took the last seat on the bus. He made a choice to sit next to Y/N, even though he could have chosen to sit anywhere.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you yesterday," Y/N apologized, breaking the ice. Peter looked at her and smiled, and Y/N almost died from the gaze of his soft blue eyes.

"It's alright," Peter excused. He really didn't mind; Y/N was adorable.

A few days later, Y/N found herself at a bowling alley with a few of her friends. She was having a really good time, and, for once, Peter wasn't consuming her mind. This night was about her and her girls, and nothing was going to change that. Right?

Peter walked into the bowling alley with a few of his friends, ready to have a good time. It was the first time that week that he had gone out, while other nights he was studying. He was excited to have a carefree night with his mates.

Then he saw Y/N. Gosh, she looked adorable. A popular song was playing, and Y/N and her friends were dancing around, looking like fools, not a care in the world. She looked so happy, it sent shivers down Peter's spine. When he saw that she had noticed him, Peter smiled, trying to comprehend how a girl he barely knew could make him feel this way. He saw Y/N falter, as if embarrassed, and she danced with a little less carelessness.

The next day, Y/N got on the bus, excited to talk to Peter more. They had introduced their friends the night before and talked more, but Y/N wanted to see him again. Y/N always wanted to see him again. But she didn't. Not, at least, until she was getting off of the bus, a bit disheartened, and passed him as he stepped on the bus. He smiled at her again, and Y/N, by instinct or that fact that she was happy to have seen him once today, smiled back. Peter kissed her cheek, whispering,"Perfect timing," in her ear before she stepped off the bus.

Y/N and Peter talked like normal the next day. She learned that he was a student, and he learned that she went to work every day. They parted, both happy with their inquiries.

The next day, Y/N got on the bus and saw two people immediately; Peter, who she was delighted to see, and Colin, and ex-boyfriend from high school. Y/N had never seen Colin on this bus before, but tried to think little of it.

She sat next to Peter and made conversation with him before Colin came up to them. He started to talk to Y/N, and she could see Peter tense up. When Colin got the idea that Y/N wasn't interested in talking to him, he walked away. Y/N sighed, looking back to Peter to see him glaring at Colin's back.

When Y/N got up to leave the bus, Colin stepped forward and asked her if she would like him to walk her home. Y/N looked to Peter, scared because she didn't want Colin to know her address. Peter smiled, like he had been looking for a reason to leave Colin in the dirt.

"Actually," Peter said, standing up next to Y/N,"I'm walking her home. Sorry." But Peter didn't look sorry. He and Y/N walked away from the bus, and Colin went in the opposite direction.

"I think he actually went home," Peter said after a while.

"Thank you," Y/N said, blushing and smiling and feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush but it was so refreshing.

Peter, instead of saying anything else, leaned in and kissed Y/N's cheek again and turned on his heel, going the opposite way from Y/N.

Y/N sat on her bed that night, wanting to clutch her cheek but never wanting to touch it. Nothing made any sense, and, in that moment, that was okay. Because Y/N was happy. She was confused and tired and stressed and happy.

(A/N: THis is not all of the story, but I felt as though this was a good place to end it.MrsFrancoise has been kind enough to confide in me, and to her I am very grateful for that. I hope that talking to me is helping, because it is fun to hear your story first hand . I hope that you continue to tell me about your real life love story and that this was an accurate enough description of what happened. Thank you!)

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