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Preference: Nightmares


The blood was gushing out of Caspian's wound in ounces.

He had been wounded during the castle raid. You didn't want them to go there in the first place, but Peter insisted. Caspian had gotten stabbed in his side. They had flown him back to Aslan's How, but he was fading too quickly. He was going to die, and there was nothing You could do about it.

He died.

His eyes closed and he drew his final breath. His head lolled in your lap, his body going limp. His fingers stopped clutching yours. You screamed.

Strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you away from Caspian. They pulled you, kicking and screaming, farther back until you couldn't see anything but black.

You woke with a jolt, sitting straight up. You swallowed, your throat dry from crying. The tears streamed down your face. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down, but only broke into more tears.

Caspian had been dead for a year now. And he wasn't coming back.


You were standing in the kitchen staring at the mug on the counter.

It was around midnight, but you had been plagued with a vicious nightmare. There was no way you could go back to sleep. You had slipped out of bed, trying not to wake Peter. It was quite a feat, considering how light of a sleeper his is.

Your dream had been your worst nightmare for as long as you had loved Peter. He had died in your arms. He had told you, right before he died, that he didn't really love you and that it was all just an act. That was the part that had broken you. The thought that Peter never really loved you, but it was still breaking your heart that he was dying.

As the tears streamed down your cheeks, you became increasingly drained of energy. You tried to pick up the mug, but dropped it. It shattered on the ground, making a loud sound. It was like the mug was your last bit of strength; broken.

You collapsed to the floor, leaning against the cabinets. You pulled your knees to your chest, sobbing into them.

Peter had lasted through a lot of noise, but the porcelain breaking and your cries woke him up quickly. He threw the covers off and ran down the stairs to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you crying on the kitchen floor.

He had been scared that you were in danger, but seeing you so sad was a worse feeling. He rushed towards you, sitting down next to you. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your shoulder. You nuzzled into his neck, your sobbing becoming less frequent.

"Peter?" You croaked out.

"Yes, darling?" He replied.

"You love me, right?" His breath hitched. "Like, you actually love me? It's not just an act?"

"It's not an act," He assured, kissing your head." I love you, for real."


Edmund was walking around a garden. For some reason, he assumed he would find his siblings in there. He rounded a tall hedge, only to see them standing there, their arms crossed.

"I've been looking all over for you guys." Edmund said. He took a step towards them, but Peter put an arm in front of the girls, effectively confusing Edmund.

"Well, we don't want to see you." Peter said.

"Yeah!" Lucy peeped up.

"You're a traitor!" Susan exclaimed, making her younger brother flinch. He saw tears fall to the ground, but when he touched his face it was dry. He scowled. What was going on?

"Yeah, I only gave you a drop of my fire flower juice because Aslan was watching." Lucy said. "Otherwise I would have let you die."

"Lucy, y-you don't mean that." Edmund stammered.

"Oh, she does, Edmund." Peter growled." You've always been the black sheep in the family. You betrayed us in Narnia. You got countless Narnia's killed. Had you not told the White Witch about Tumnus, we might have saved numerous lives." Edmund was full on sobbing now. His siblings knew he didn't like to talk about the things he had in their first trip to Narnia, and usually danced around the subject.

"Why are you saying this?" Edmund whispered. He didn't trust his voice could go any louder at the moment.

"Because we've been wanting to say these things for a long time." Susan said.

Edmund woke up, sweating and shaking. He ran a hand through his hair, moving it from his forehead. He looked over to his side. You were sleeping, curled up into a little ball. He moved a piece of hair that had fallen on your face. You unconsciously moved your head towards Edmund's hand, like a dog wanting more attention.

You woke up, seeing Edmund sitting up in front of you. His hair was extra messy. There were drops of sweat on his forehead. You sat up quickly, seeing as Edmund obviously wasn't feeling alright.

"Ed, are you alright?" You asked, grabbing his hand and intertwining it with yours.

"Nightmare." He said. You nodded solemnly. Sometimes Edmund's nightmares were terrifying from the way he described them.

"Let's try to go back to sleep, shall we?" You said. Edmund smiled at you and layed back down. You snuggled into his chest, letting him cuddle you like a teddy bear.

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