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(A/N: Hey guys! I need your help. I know this will be hard with the amount of preferences I've already done, but if you could search through your lives and ideas to find me more preference requests, I will be eternally grateful. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Narnia Preference: How many blankets he prefers


Literally all of the blankets in the castle.

His excuse was that it gets really cold in the stone castle, but you weren't happy with it. You woke up drenched in sweat the morning after your wedding. While you had gone to sleep with a sheet and comforter on the bed, Caspian had gotten up and draped at least four more blankets over you both.


One sheet.

Peter's just a warm person. He gives you both enough warmth so that the use of blankets isn't necessary.


No blankets. Dude. What the heck.

At first, you didn't understand why Edmund doesn't use any blankets. You had seen him nap and use no blankets, but it didn't really strike you as anything odd. You did, however, realize his reasoning behind it when you first slept in his bed with him.

You had insisted on using a sheet, at least, teasing Edmund about how weird it was that he didn't use blankets. He didn't say anything, instead reluctantly getting under the covers with you.

Edmund woke you up in the middle of the night, thrashing and whimpering. His actions pulled the blankets off of you, winding themselves around Edmund's legs, restricting him even more.

You had quickly woken Edmund up, brushing his hair away from his face as to not obscure his senses further. You two didn't use blankets anymore, you settling for the fact that Edmund could enclose your entire being with his limbs and Edmund hoping that he wouldn't accidently hit you during one of his night terrors.

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