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Preference:What they're scared of

Requested by: MrsFrancoiseMrsFrancois


Cas is always afraid he will be like his uncle.

You know Caspian. He's sweet, kind, caring and humble. He regrets every punishment he's ever had to give. In your mind, there is no way he could ever be like Miraz.

Caspian, however, doesn't see it any other way. He thinks that all of his actions will spiral into becoming like his uncle. He has nightmares over what he thinks he might do to his people, or to you. In the end, we are all afraid of our mind, but Caspian's can be truly terrifying.


Pete is scared he let down the ones he loves.

He's had a taste of it before, and he doesn't like it one bit. When Edmund was on the brink of death in their first adventure to Narnia, everything in Peter's world momentarily shattered. In his mind, in that moment, he had failed at what he had been told was his one purpose thus far; protect your own. He had let Edmund get hurt, and that was a feeling that he remembered and felt every time you got hurt, whether it be when you broke a bone or when you get paper cuts. There's a flash of terror in his eyes, if only for a second.


Ed is scared that he'll betray you.

While most guys might be afraid that their girlfriend would cheat on them, Edmund is the exact opposite. He's afraid that he'll betray you or lose your trust in some unforgivable way. That's why he waited so long to ask you out; he's simply scared that he'll hurt you.

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