Peter Oneshot 1/2

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(A/N: Hey guys! I have been working on something that I might release one day 0.0 It's not finished by any means(it's not even started) and I can't devote my full attention to it right now, but we'll see if it ever happens. Even though I can't tell you what it is, trust me, I've gotten confirmation from two of my favorite people ever that it would be a good idea. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot: Peter's under a love potion. At a ball. And your relationship isn't public. Whoops.

        "Susan, I can't wear that," Y/N protested. "It's too revealing." Susan, Edmund and Lucy were in Y/N's quarters, trying to help her decide what to wear.

        Y/N wasn't completely wrong. The dress was a black, floor-length, satin gown that had sleeves but no shoulders. It had rather low sweetheart neckline and accentuated Y/N's hips. Susan wanted to pair it with a dramatic silver necklace which would draw even more attention to her chest.

        "Y/N, everyone will love it," Susan told her, pulling her hair back so the necklace could be seen better.

        "Especially Peter," Edmund commented, making Lucy throw a pillow at him from her place on Y/N's bed.

        "It looks lovely, Y/N," Lucy assured her. Y/N smiled nervously.

        "I'm just worried it's too much," Y/N explained, messing with the bracelet Peter had given her as a sign of their courtship. "I'm bound to be on the receiving end of backlash from Peter's other suitors without looking like I expect to be queen."

       "Well," Edmund said, standing from the chair in the corner and walking over to Y/N. "I should probably go." He kissed her cheek, quickly retreating and making his way to the door. "I've got to make sure Peter doesn't look like a total knob," he joked, then he was gone, out the door and thankful to be away from the disaster area that was Y/N's room. Susan had dug through every dress the girl owned to find the 'right' one.

        Tonight was the night that Peter and Y/N where going to announce their courtship. Susan had insisted that a ball be held in their honor, and no one could prohibit the Gentle queen when she wanted to throw a party. The couple had tried to help with whatever they could, but Susan complained that they were micromanaging her fun, so they resorted to holding up in Peter's study and talking their anxieties away.

        "Alright," Susan exclaimed, guiding Y/N over to the vanity and sitting her down. "Let's do your hair."   

        Queen Susan truly went all out for this ball. The drapes had been temporarily changed from their normal rich maroon color to a beautiful silver. The throne room served as a ball room, large mahogany tables lining the sides, stacked to the brim with food and refreshments. Centaurs lined the walls, their large swords and magnificent forms hidden away in the shadows. They weren't meant to be the main attraction, after all.

       The main attraction had, until Y/N and Peter arrived, been undetermined. The Narnian people were, albeit excited, a bit confused on the purpose of the festivities, for no one except for the Pevensies and Y/N knew the true meaning of this grand extravaganza.

        Any of their monarch's could have been the main attraction. Each looked more excited than the other. Queen Susan looked positively exquisite, donning a sleeveless gown with a yellow top and earthy green skirt. Queen Lucy had chosen a pale pink dress with lacing on the bodice. Even King Edmund had cleaned up nicely, wearing a dark blue jacket with his sword at his side. His crown was asque but no one noticed; they knew that something big was about to happen.

        Their answers wouldn't be answered until much longer. Y/N was introduced and applauded. As she made her way down the grand stairs, Peter came into view behind her. Introduced and applauded. Down the stairs. The Narnians saw nothing different.

        Y/N walked to mingle with her Queens while Peter was dragged away by Edmund. He was fighting his brothers attempts, however, pulling at the Just's firm grip.

        "Pete," Edmund whispered, straining to keep hold of his older brother. "You can't be seen together until later. People might get suspicious."

       "But I want to see Y/N," Peter pouted. He stopped struggling, staring at Y/N above the crowd.

        "Are you alright?" Edmund asked, clapping him on the back. "You don't seem like yourself."

       "I'm fine." Peter stalked off, to mingle with the people, Edmund assumed, so the Just went back to this conversation with a wood nymph.

        In reality, Peter shuffled through the people until he got to Y/N. He tapped her on the shoulder.

        "Hi, Y/N," Peter greeted, his voice to high and his choice of words to juvenile.

        "Your majesty." She curtsied, still in habit of being below Peter. When she properly looked at him, she noticed something out of the ordinary. "Sire, have your eyes always been pink?"

       Peter's iris' were a pale pink, much different from their normal blue color. The giddy king grinned, shrugging.

        "Okay," Y/N sighed, putting her drink on one of the waiter's trays as they passed. She hooked her arm through Peter's, making it seem as though he was escorting her somewhere. She led him over to Edmund, grabbing his arm as well and leading them to a corner. "Ed, something's wrong with Peter."

       "I noticed something as well," Edmund admitted, looking his brother over.

        "Maybe he's drunk?" Y/N suggested, prying her hand from Peter's as he attempted to clutch onto it.

        Edmund shook his head, dismissing the possibility. "You've been down here not five minutes."

       "His eyes are pink," Y/N pointed out, turning Peter's head to face Edmund. "That's not a side effect of anything I can think of except for-"

       "Magic, yeah." The young king mussed his hair, undermining his crown at this point. "My best guess is love potion."

       Y/N cocked her head. "How can you be sure?"

       "I did some reading." Y/N gave him a look. "What? We all get bored," he defended.

        "Alright." Y/N didn't think she would ever understand Edmund. "How do we keep him off of me? He's being really clingy. We can't give anyone any ideas." She gave up trying to keep Peter from hugging her.

        "We wing it and hope that the effects wear off quickly."

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