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(A/N: Hey guys! Life has been going really well lately :) I'm updating this constantly, reading a bunch of physical books, play and school have been going really well and I'm just really happy. I hope that you're happy too. If you aren't, do something about it. Buy those clothes that make you feel comfortable. Read that book that you want to read. Stop talking to that toxic person. In the words of Dan Howell, "Do whatever you have to do to be happy." Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: The king's' reaction to a Renaissance fair

(A/N: This was requested by my friend Samantha Edge but I won't tag her cause tagging is difficult :-P)


He was confused.

He didn't understand why people were trying to recreate the time period when they had modern amenities, for he knew how much of a struggle it really was to live in Renaissance like conditions. The fake swords also confused him. He did, however, think you looked beautiful in one of the dresses that you tried on.


He loved it.

You knew taking Peter to a Renaissance fair was a good idea. He felt right at home, dressing up as a knight instead of a king and challenging small children to duels with their foam swords. When he saw a little girl dressed up as a princess he would bow in front of her, saying some form of, "Your majesty," and telling her how adorable she looked in the dress.


He couldn't get past the inaccuracies.

Edmund paid meticulous attention to detail wherever he went. The Renaissance fair was no exception. He pointed out everything that was wrong, from the way that some cosplayers costumes were made to the unneeded decoration on the 'realistic' swords.

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