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Preference What you do for him after a long day


You make him his favorite meal.

While it might not seem like a very 'guy' thing to do, Caspian often forgets to eat. He just gets so wrapped up in everything he has to do, his brain doesn't see eating as important on top of everything else. So, he often comes back to your chambers as though he hasn't eaten all day, which he hasn't.

You get very worried for Caspian when he does this. Without food he won't have the energy to do all of his duties. You always scold him about it, but at that point he's too tired to really understand what you're saying. You know that he's hungry, though he won't admit it. So, you take matters into your own hands.

You go down to the kitchens and start cooking. Caspian's favorite meal is Tuna Fettuccine Alfredo, and it's extremely easy to make. You quickly whip that up and bring it back to Caspian, who is barely conscious. You wake him up and make him eat before he goes back to sleep.


You let him rant.

Often, all Peter wants to do is talk. He holds you close and rants about everything. How annoying people can be, how he accidently woke up late and was late for something, how something didn't go right. You just sit there, letting him talk. You know that Peter just has to get this stuff out sometimes and you are the only person he feels comfortable talking to.

He sits down and crosses his legs so that you can sit comfortably in his lap. You then sit sideways in his lap, him wrapping you up in his arms so you don't fall. You just let him use you as a teddy bear, more or less.


You give him a massage.

Edmund gets extremely tense after a long day of sitting in chairs. He comes home and complains about the pain in his back and shoulders. He then goes and lays down but complains about being lonely. The things I do for him, you think.

You go and lay down with him, letting him nuzzle his head into your neck. He wraps his arms around you, but you still feel how tense his is. You reach your arms around him so you can have better access to his back and shoulders. You start to massage his shoulders and back as he gives out tiny sounds of pleasure, thanking you.

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