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(A/N: HELLO, PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET!!! IT IS I, BECCA, AND I AM HERE TO INFORM YOU THAT I AM NO LONGER ON HIATUS!! Okay, enough with the caps-locked spasms. I'm back! Sorry that I didn't update yesterday; I wanted to update on a day that I normally would, so I waited til today. HAPPY HOLIDAYS(yes apparently we are back to the caps-locked spasms)!!! I HOPE YOU HAD WONDERFUL TIMES WITH PEOPLE YOU LOVE! Now, who's ready to go back to school ;) Oh, it's fun being evil XD. Yes, this author's note is exceedingly cringey but I missed talking to you guys so much! On a completely related note, have you guys seen the stats on this book?! 261K views, 8.2K votes and 3.4K comments! WOW. Incase you didn't notice that there are a clusterfluff of many other books that are way better than mine, THAT'S INSANE. I'm not even going to try to thank you guys, cause I know that I can't word it correctly or enough. It is absolutely mental that this book has gone this far. I'm honestly in shock. I will be starting my return off with some smuttyishnotreally stuffy for you beautiful peoples. Enjoy, and may your imagination take you to some dark places. Also, #RIPCarrieFisher and #RIPDebbieReynolds. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: His favorite place to kiss you







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