Preference 1/3

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blub A/N: This preference is going to be split up into three parts. It will basically be three different imagines with the same prompt, which is:

Preference: Your first kiss


"Truth or dare, Caspian." Peter said.

Caspian and the Pevensie's were, like the children they are, playing truth or dare. Lucy had suggested it, and the older Kings and Queens took it as an opportunity to hash out any beefs they had had with each other. This included Susan making Edmund jump into the lake, Lucy making Peter make a fool of himself in front of a girl he liked, and Caspian making Susan pretend she didn't know how to shoot an arrow around the other archers.

"Erm, dare, I guess." The Telmarine King said, naive.

"Don't go too easy on him, Pete." Edmund chimed in. Susan nodded in agreement. Lucy just laughed, though the events that followed would not be something to laugh about.

  Peter's eyes glinted with mischief. Not the funny kind of mischief, but the kind you got worried about when you saw.  

"I dare you to kiss Y/N." He affirmed, clasping his hands. Caspian scowled. Peter was the only person he had talked to about Y/N. She was one of the kitchen staff at Cair Paravel, but had managed to catch Caspian's eye. It would, of course, be frowned upon by the people for their King Caspian to court someone of lower status. So Caspian kept quiet, but that didn't stop him from sneaking glances at her and taking any tasks that required close proximity to the kitchen.

"Y/N? The girl that works in the kitchen?" Lucy asked.

"Yep." Peter smirked.

"Why Y/N?" Edmund acknowledged.

"Yeah, Caspian. Why Y/N?" Peter taunted.

"Wait a sec, Cas, do you like Y/N?" Edmund urged. The young king buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. Edmund burst out laughing, closely followed by his brother and sisters.

"Well, you heard Peter. Go kiss your girl!" Susan chided. She was the closest to Caspian, platonically. She was like the sister he never had.

"I'm never going to live this down, am I?" Caspian asked no one in particular. Lucy shook her head solemnly.

Caspian got up from his chair in the lounge and made his way to the lower levels of the castle. He was shaking horribly. He wondered why he didn't choose a forfeit, but Edmund's forfeits were even worse than the original truth or dare. Caspian found himself in front of the kitchen staff quarters. Part of the staff at Cair Paravel's contract included housing, and he was right in front of Y/N's.

  The Telmarine king raised his hand to the worn wood and knocked. The sound echoed in his head and his heart rate picked up a quick pace.

  The door swung open inwards, revealing a tired, but beautiful, looking Y/N. Her hair was a mess, as though she'd pulled and tugged at it. Her nails were bitten and uneven, and her apron was covered in stains. She closed the door behind her before  She looked up to reveal her beautiful E/C eyes.

"My king!" Y/N exclaimed quickly after realizing who was in front of her.  She started to curtsy,  but he quickly grasped her small shoulders, effectively stopping her half-way.

"There's no need for formalities, my dear." Caspian chuckled. She looked at him oddly. There was a certain level of curiosity behind her dark/light hues, but it was coupled with something else. They stood there for a good half-minute before she broke their gaze.

"Pardon my bluntness, sire, but why are you here?" She asked. Caspian's fake confident facade faltered. How could he tell her that he was here to kiss her for a dare? Oh yeah, that's right. He couldn't!

"I um... well I..." Caspian stuttered to get out his words, stumbling over them.

"Sire, are you alright?"  Y/N asked, putting her hand on Caspian's shoulder. His reaction was what took her by surprise.

  Caspian mustered up the last bit of courage he had. He grabbed Y/N's head and smashed their lips together. Y/N squealed in shock, squirming. Caspian pulled back, realizing his horrid mistake. All he could see in Y/N's eyes was violation, and he had caused it. Y/N backed up against her door.

"Caspian, please. You are obviously are either delirious or wasted. Before you do something you'll regret, go back to your quarters." Y/N pleaded. Her eyes were on the floor and her breathing was shallow, but controlled.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." Was all Caspian said before he ran down the hall and towards the stables. He had just screwed everything up and needed to take a ride.

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