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(A/N: Hey guys! I'M BACK!!!1!1!!!! YAY! I hope you all had a good weekend. I went tubing on a boat and forgot to wear sunscreen. My pale, unprotected complexion + five or so hours of direct sun= Getting the nickname tomato, and rightfully so. IT BURNNNSSSS(literally lol)!!!!!!! I also got eaten alive by mosquitoes, so that was fun.IT'S SKANDAR'S 25th BIRTHDAY! *sniffles* They grow up so fast! Anyways, on with the preference!)

Preference: He knows you're mad when...


You give everyone the silent treatment.

You don't even mean too; you just know that if you blow up on anyone, it will make everything worse. So, you avoid conversation when you are on any extreme of the emotions scale, except for happy.


Your facial expression gives it away.

You have never been able to master a 'poker face' as they say. Your expression says it all; whether you are smiling like a fool from glee or flaring your nostrils with fury, everyone can see it.


You kiss him, hard.

If you ever need to blow off any steam, you come to Edmund. You know that he will listen or just let you snog him for however long you need too. That's one of the sure fire sign that you are mad. If you come up to Edmund abruptly and smash your lips to his, anyone he was talking to leaves, know that he is going to be occupied for a while.

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