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(A/N: Hey guys! I know that my updating schedule has been all sorts of over the place, and honestly I have no excuse, other than school and my personal life having to come first. As some of you may know, I have been homeschooling for two years but have decided to return to public school and jump a grade in the process, which I am completely prepared for academically but I still have to take a placement test in my least favorite subject, math. Literally all four of my friends are moving away, so I am trying to see them as much as possible, and I'm trying to take care of myself better, read more, take more baths, that sort of thing. In the whirlwind, writing just had to take a backseat. I really do apologize, but know that until about the 25th, this is going to be the schedule I can keep. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: Something he would never do with your children

(A/N: Other than like, abuse, that kind of thing. These are things that more easily slip through the cracks when people think of things you shouldn't do to a child.)


Wish they were any different than they are.

Caspian grew up surrounded by Telmarine men, men who were brash and cold and expected the young prince to be that way too. They tried to teach him barbaric things, tried to make him like them. Caspian didn't want that. He knew that what these men wanted from him, and how starkly those desires contrasted with his own.

Caspian knows what it's like to have people wish you were different. He knows how much it hurts to have those that you look up to want to change you. He knows the shame it creates, the longing to be better and somehow 'achieve' what they want you to be. He would never wish that his children were any different than they are, knowing that he is lucky just to have them in general.


Allow them to see how he really feels.

While this only applies to certain things, Peter would definitely try to abide by it. He never wants his children to feel responsible for him or his well being, never wants them to feel like they have to take care of them. If he's in a bad mood, he tries to distance himself until he's out of it, knowing that if he's not careful he might take it out on the first person he sees, and Peter wouldn't be able to live with himself if that person was one of his children.


Ignore them or their interests.

Edmund always tries his best to give his kids his full attention when they are talking about something they're passionate about. He knows that him approving or taking interest in the things they like is a big deal, and he knows how much it hurts when you are explaining this really cool book that you just read and about how the characters relationships flourished so beautifully throughout the story and- oh. No one was listening. He never wants them to feel that way, and always makes sure to give them opportunities to talk about it, asks them questions and all around takes interest in things that are important to his kids.

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