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(A/N: Hey Narnians!(That's what was suggested. Thoughts?) Thank you all for the amazing messages yesterday or whenever you left them! You guys are awesome. I do want to address something real quick. Part 2's. If you look back in this book, there are a few oneshots where I stop the story before it can get to the good part; I stop them because I feel that the story was well worded and long enough to make up for the cliffhanger. On one of those stories, I have gotten multiple messages to do a part two for it. I'm not going. I stopped the story because I either thought I had found a good place to end it or I had no more inspiration. If I tried to write a part two, I would not be giving you guys my best work, and that's all I ever want to give you. That's where I'm going to leave that. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Modern Preference: Your name in their phone




a n g e l.


My Queen.

Narnia Preferences and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now