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(A/N: Hey guys! We started doing auditions for Annie yesterday and I'm one of the 'judges'! Basically me and the other stage manager get to sit with the director and assistant director and have an input on who we want to play who! It's really really fun. In the beginning, my notes on the other kids performances were really detailed and encompassing, but towards then end our director was calling them up so quickly that the descriptions for the performances were along the lines of, 'Quiet voice, high range,' 'Good range, needs work on projection, has enough attitude for Lily,' something or other. It was very hectic but at the same time so, so fun! We have our final day of auditions tomorrow and I'm so excited! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: You met in High School

(A/N: This will be from the boy's point of view.)


"...Some of the students from O/H/S (A/N: This just means 'other high school'.) will be joining the exhibition tomorrow. They'll be setting up throughout your pieces, so please be nice if they ask where they can set up." The art teacher continued to drawl on about when and where we had to be in the cafeteria for the art exhibition, though it would all be sent out on an email later.

Every year, seniors who wanted to and had the talent to could sign up for different 'competitions', so to speak, to show off those talents that they might have otherwise not been able to use. There were activities for every skill you could think of. Some, like the science and drama competitions, were rather popular, usually being the ones to fill up. The art program was always running low on sign ups, mainly because we don't have an art teacher on campus full time, so the people that sign up had to have found art on their own, and that doesn't add up to many people. The art teacher was a part time woman who only came in around once a semester.

This year, the number of kids who had signed up was so low that they had to invite the top art students from another school to make up for our small group. We wouldn't meet the students until next week when we had the final exhibition for the public.

*Le week time skip.*

I finished putting my painting on its stand, double checking to make sure it wouldn't fall and hit any other pieces. A few of the students from O/H/S had already showed up, picking whoever looked the friendliest out of us and setting up next to them.

A girl came in with a sculpted vase in a wagon she was pulling. The vase was painted red with black rims, smoothly made out of clay, I assumed. The girl looked around for a second, her eyes landing on me before tugging her wagon in my direction.

"Hi," she greeted. "I'm Y/N. Would you mind if I set up next to you?"


"There's the girl I was telling you about," Susan said, pointing to a girl talking to a teacher across the courtyard. "She's in my English class."

"Sue, as much as you enjoy it, I don't really appreciate you trying to set me up with your friends." She made a sour face at my reply, but shrugged her shoulders.

"It's alright," she said. "I don't know that much about her anyways."

*Le hour or so time skip.*

Mr. Lestrade continued to unjustly chew Caspian out for not remembering one piece of homework.


"Before you ask if you can bring it in tomorrow or make it up somehow," Mr. Lestrade said, "the answer is a no."

"But, sir," Caspian started weakly."

"No!" I wager he would have continued had a knock not rapped at the door. Lestrade huffed, glaring at Caspian before stalking off to the door and opening it.

Susan's friend from earlier peaked her head around the doorframe. "Is now a bad time?"

Mr. Lestrade visibly relaxed upon seeing the girl. "No, Y/N, it's fine. Come in." He sat back at his desk. "What is it you need?"

The girl, Y/N, cleared her throat. "Mom texted. She has to go to the store immediately after work."


"Did you say something, Mr. Pevensie?" Mr. Lestrade growled. Did I say that out loud?

Y/N, who I now understood was the daughter of my most hated teacher, giggled. "Yes, you did."


The girl in the front of the class, Y/N, I think, was the only one to raise her hand for the sixth time. She waved her hand in the air, nearly jumping out of her seat in eagerness to answer the question.

Ms. Donovan pursed her lips, clasping her hands in front of her. "Miss. L/N, would you like to give the other students a chance to answer the questions?"

Y/N lowered her hand, looking around. "Ma'am, I don't think anyone else wants to answer the questions."

"If they didn't have an insufferable know-it-all ready to answer them, I think they would be more inclined to."

Some of the girls gasped at our teacher's words. Y/N lowered her head.

"At least she knows the answers!" I said, becoming frustrated. "She wants to answer the questions, and she's pretty darn good at it. Why would you insult her for that?"

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