Peter Oneshot 2/2

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(A/N: Hey guys! I have a question: How do you stay organized? Are any of you organized? Is that even a feasible dream with today's school work load?! I'm lowkey freaking out here in my corner of the internet. Whoops. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot!Part Two: It's your daughter's first date and Pete's not happy

"Hello, Dan," Anastasia greeted, stepping off the last step of the stairs. She held her clutch in front of her and you could tell she was nervous, trying to block herself off subconsciously.

"Hi," Dan breathed. He was smiling like an idiot.

"Get a room." Carter rolled his eyes. You saw Peter shoot his son a glare. He obviously didn't want his daughter with this boy alone in any room.

"Shall we?" Dan asked, extending his hand to Ana. She smiled, letting go of her clutch and taking Dan's hand, heading towards the door.

"Wait a second," Peter said, moving to stand in front of the door. Dan's face instantly became one of worry while only Anastasia's eyes changed, narrowing with frustration in the slightest. She knew that, around her agitated father, emotions were a bad card to play. You smiled. You had taught her well. "Where will you two be spending the evening?"

"Dad," Anastasia growled, ready to talk her way out of the situation. Dan, however, squared his shoulders as if just realizing that he was about five inches taller than your husband.

"Sir, I was planning on taking your daughter out for coffee."

"Which cafe?"

"(A/N: Made up address and place idk)."

"Anything else?"

"After that," Dan said, glancing affectionately at Anastasia, "We were going to go to the park a few blocks away."

"That," you said, pushing Peter out of the way so the couple could get out the door, "sounds great. Make sure she's home by 21:00."

"Thanks, mum," Ana said, pulling Dan towards and out the door.

*le time skip*



"Stop pacing."

You looked up from your book to your husband who was wearing a hole through the hard wood of your forior. You set your book down, maneuvering around the furniture to get to Peter.

"She's fine." You placed your hands on his shoulders, massaging them soothingly. Peter sighed, leaning into you and hugging you tightly.

"I'm just scared. I remember how many crap boyfriends Susan had." He shuddered. "I don't want our babygirl to get hurt."

You pulled away but Peter kept his arms around your waist. You cupped his face, rubbing the pads of your thumbs over his cheeks. "Well, you won't have to wait much longer," you soothed. Peter raised his wrist to check his watch. 21:25. "They should be home any minute."

You stood there, staring into each other's eyes for a while. The way Peter looked at you, you might have taken him for a twenty-two year old. When he looked at you, the worry lines around his eyes and brows seemed to dissipate. Your smile lines almost disappeared. In those moments, you saw the once-youth of the other, the people you had originally fallen in love with.

A rapping at the door pulled you out of your loving gazes. Peter's eyes instantly hardened. You sighed, pressing your forehead to his for a second before walking to open the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Pevensie," Dan greeted. Beside him, holding his hand, was Anastasia who had her clutch under her arm as her left hand held a red Starbucks coffee cup. They were both smiling, occasionally making eye contact. "Mr. Pevensie."

You smiled at the pair. "Did you have fun?" They nodded. Anastasia squeezed Dan's hand tighter. She gave you a subtle look that only mother-daughter units understand. You promptly winked at her and guided Peter out of the room.

"That was fun," Ana said, stepping inside and setting her coffee on the side table. "Your acting at the beginning of the night was amazing."

"That?" Dan laughed. "That wasn't acting. Your dad is genuinely terrifying. The part where I had to act like it was our first date was a bit difficult, but I think we pulled it off pretty well," he whispered, making Ana burst into giggles.

(A/N: Incase you missed that last bit, Anastasia and Dan have been dating for a while in secret. Strict parents make sneaky kids ;))

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