Edmund Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for all of the comments on my photo in the last preference! It means so, so much to me. If anyone was still confused, I literally have no self-confidence, so someone actually saying that they would want to look like me is absolutely insane! Also, I got this request about a week ago and I really liked it! I don't think I've done a pregnancy oneshot with Edmund, so bask in the glory! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot: You don't want Edmund to go to war

"You aren't listening to me, Ed!"

"Maybe I don't want to have this conversation again."

"Maybe I'm not giving you a choice!"

It was happening again. This stupid argument had been going on for days, only resting when you weren't in each other's presence.

The giants were advancing from the North. A state of war had been issued, and Peter and Edmund planned to ride out with a regiment each the next week. In Edmund's eyes, Y/N had been relentlessly arguing that he shouldn't go back into battle for no reason whatsoever. She wouldn't give him an explanation, and Edmund knew that Y/N was better at getting her point across; she was holding something back.

Susan had tried to console her by inviting her to help with the send-off banquet. She knew that organizing often helped her sister-in-law to calm down, so she sent her to the kitchens to plan the menu. She got reports from the kitchen staff later that Y/N had nearly thrown up while checking one of her favorite meals and kept going back to the pickled pig ears, something that Edmund had suggested as a joke years ago but was so foul tasting that it had only gained popularity with bears and gryffins, not the humans. In hindsight, the Gentle Queen should have seen it coming earlier.

Y/N had known for a week at that point. She had been having unexplained mood swings and changes in her appetite, and when she threw up one morning she went straight to the infirmary, not even telling Edmund where she was going. She regretted not waking him and bringing him along now, but she couldn't find the right time to tell him, and time was of the essence now that he was leaving.

"Why, Y/N? What is upsetting you so much that you feel you can't let me go but you can't tell me why?" Edmund sat down on their bed, resting his hands in his lap. He genuinely didn't understand and it was making him agitated and a bit worried that it was something about his wife's health.

"Why don't you just listen and trust me when I ask you to stay here with me?" Y/N retorted. "Why can't you just do what I ask, no questions asked, for once?"

"I shouldn't have to explain the severity of this situation, Y/N," Edmund said gravely. "If we do not stop them, the giants will invade Narnia. It is our duty to defend Narnia and its people, and aside from how it would look if we stepped down from our commanding positions, neither Peter nor I have the heart to admit that someone else is going to have to step up and take the fall, take that army to the border and risk not coming back."

"Don't make me feel like the bad guy!" Y/N said. "I am going through hell so that you will stay, and it's not even for my sake!"

Her eyes widened. Crap.

"What do you mean it's not for your sake? Who would want me to stay here so badly other than you, Y/N?" Edmund stood back up, putting a hand on Y/N's shoulder, stilling his pacing wife. He cupped her cheek. "Y/N, I need you to be completely honest with me, please."

Y/N's eyes filled with tears. "I'm not doing this for me," she said, removing Edmund's hand from her shoulder and guiding it downwards. "If it was just me, I probably wouldn't be so worried that you wouldn't come back, and if I was I wouldn't dare make a huge fuss begging you to stay." She put his hand on her stomach. "Our unborn child cannot make a fuss on their own." Y/N looked down, feeling Edmund tense as the realization set in. "You'll have to accept me as the intermediary in this situation."


"Well I didn't think I'd have to explain that to you," Y/N chuckled. Edmund blushed, shaking his head gently, focused on Y/N's slowly growing belly. "So, I will try to get my point across again, hopefully a bit better worded this time." She cleared her throat. "I'm asking you, because he or she can't, for you to stay here, and not miss a darn moment of this beautiful thing that we have created, because I do not want to be telling he or she stories of their father instead of reenacting them dramatically with you for them. That's why I want you to stay. Not for me," she paused, taking a breath, "but for them."

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