Peter Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! I have some things to recommend today:

1.The Intertwined EP by dodie

2.The Crown, an original series by Netflix


Okay that's all. Enjoy the oneshot. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot: Three ways they know you love each other and three ways they don't with Peter

They know he loves you because of how protective he is.

Peter would never let you get hurt. It's a well known fact that to cross you is to cross Peter, and, quite frankly, no one wants that. People can tell. He's very subtly dominate around you. His hand is always on your back, leading you. When you go out somewhere for dinner he always orders for you. He always fixes your hair if it's out of place.

They know you love each other by the fluffy affection.

They see the pecks on the cheek and the tight hugs. They see the forehead touches and the hand holding. They see the heads in laps and boops on the nose. They see you reading books to him and they see him pulling your hair into a decent braid when you can't be bothered to do it.

They know you love each other because you give each other space.

They see that you don't do everything together. They see that you aren't smothering each other. They see how excited you are to see each other after not being together for a while, how much you have to tell the other. They see the individuality, the fact that you are separate people, but you are separate people who work amazingly together.

There are some things that they don't see.

They don't see how much you help Peter.

Sure, they think they do. They know that you make him dinner every night. They know that you probably clean the most, but you do a lot more than chores. You're Peter's crutch. They don't know how much he depends on you. They don't know how many times you have pulled him out of that scary dark hole.

They don't see the intimate affection.

They don't see the passionate kisses, the heated touches or the trust that has formed between the both of you. They don't see how vulnerable you can be to each other. They don't see the heavy breathing and the lustfully exchanged words. They don't see the love displayed by roaming hands and lips.

They don't see the way you listen to each other.

They don't see the long nights, up with each other for the sake of being up with each other. They don't hear the gentle whispers or see the soft touches, trying to memorize every dip, crevice and freckle on the others body.

They think they do.

But they don't.

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