Peter Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! So today I'm doing a soulmates AU! I know, I know, it's cliche but I think this spin on it is pretty interesting! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot: Y/N doesn't have any words on her wrist

Y/N didn't like wearing short sleeved shirts, but today it was way too hot to wear a jacket.

She sat in the coffee shop, her laptop opened in front of her along with several textbooks and stationery tools scattered around the table. The shop was cool, but the walk there would have given her heat stroke if she were wearing more layers.

Every time someone walked past her, whether she saw a ring on their finger or the words written on their wrist were visible, her eyes wandered to her wrist, where there were no words. Not a single word.

She had heard of people like this, ones who didn't have their soulmate's first words on their wrist. They were very rare, and few were brave enough to share their stories, resulting in little information on the matter. Y/N had grown up being taught to hide the fact that she was different, to be ashamed of it.

Y/N really didn't need everyone else telling her to feel bad about it. As she grew and began to really understand the concept of soul mates, the fact that she didn't have one started to hurt more and more. She had become obsessive over the fact that there really wasn't anyone out there for her, that the universe was just telling her, 'Nope, sorry kid. No one's going to love you that much. Soz.'

That had been years ago. Y/N learned to bury her pain, to distract herself from it. She was at a place where she nearly resented the idea of having someone to hold her down, to have to be devoted to. She was focused on herself, on bettering herself through school and self love and taking care of her body. She had time to give to those things, because she wasn't worrying about some other person. Sometimes it did creep up in the back of her head, the voice that reminded of what she didn't have, what she could never have; a family, someone to love.

Now, she was trying to finish a paper for her AP biology class so that she could have time to go to her cousin's birthday party this weekend. She'd been working for hours, and had wasted her productivity ages ago.

Y/N stood up, grabbed her coffee and walked to the trashcan to throw it away, already planning on asking the barista for something stronger this time.

When she arrived at the register, she noticed that the woman who had taken her order earlier wasn't there. She had been replaced by a man with blond hair, who was taller than her by a mile. He looked well built, but his motions were timid and calculated. When she glanced briefly, she saw that he had words on his arm, but they were mainly covered up by a few bracelets he was wearing.

"Are you new here?" She asked him. "I've been coming here pretty consistently for the past few months and I've never seen you."

She was too sleep deprived and stressed to care if her words were a bit too forward.

The man's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. He clamped a hand around his wrist.

"Are you alright?" She spoke to him again, not understanding his lack of communication or his response to her question.

He didn't say anything, instead nearly ripping the bracelets on his arm off. He thrust his wrist into her line of sight.

Are you new here? In a dark bold print, identical to her handwriting, the words contrasted starkly on his lightly tanned skin.

"I'm afraid there must be some mistake," she said, not letting her guard down. She knew she didn't want a soul mate. She didn't. "I don't have a soul mate, see?" She showed him her own wrist, bare.

The man's face lit up as he hastily dug a piece of paper out of his pocket, its edges worn, showing he probably had kept it with him and folded it and unfolded it thousands of times. He unfolded it, his hands shaking which he had most likely hoped to hide from the girl.

Inside the paper were the words I, My name is Peter. I'm mute.

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