Preference 2/2

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(A/N: Hello! Remember to get something to eat, drink and take your meds! Love you!)

Prompt: How they wake you up- Edmund

3rd Person POV

Edmund was bored.

He had woken up hours ago. Whether it be from lack of sleep or the fact that his is naturally an early bird, he will never know. All he knows is that you, his wife, hasn't so much as stirred.

He tried everything. Poking, prodding, tickling, although he did get an unconscious smack in the face for that one. He was also trying not to laugh throughout all of this, which made doing anything very difficult.

So, he laid back down. When they had fallen asleep you had been spooning, so Edmund instinctively assumed that position. He put an arm, gently, around you, because for some reason that action was so routine for him that he had to comply to his unconscious reflexes.(A/N: RIght I've just woken up and don't really have a clue about that word salad. Sorry.)

He started to hum some old Narnian tune. Getting even more bored, he stared at the freckles on your bare back. He tried to connect them in his head, but it wasn't satisfactory.

Edmund moved down a bit on their bed to where his face was in front of you back. He picked a freckle and kissed it, then moved onto the next one, creating some sort of constellation pattern in his brain.

Eventually he had made his way up to you shoulders, then your neck. Then your hair, ears, jaw, and cheeks. You had started to wake up.

"Hello, Cuddle Bug." He whispered as you opened your eyes.

"Hey, lover boy." He smiled at his name. You gave him a quick peck on the lips before snuggling up to him.

"What are you going to do today?" He asked you, brushing your hair away from your face.

You hummed,"Not really sure."

"We could always go for a ride?" Edmund suggested.

"I like that idea."

(A/N: And I think that one is even shorter. Oh well.)

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