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(A/N: Hello! I have to write a 'spooky story' for Language arts so I might publish it as a short story thing 0.0 Would you like that? I'm gonna work on it after I get this up. I've never written 'horror' or 'scary' so this might be a giant flop ^.^ Okay. Enough dilly dallying (?!). Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Narnia/ 1940's!Preference: Your family doesn't like him

(A/N: Mom, Dad, what the heck?!?)


They thought that Caspian was too much trouble.

Your parents were very simple people. First off, they didn't want the attention drawn to your family. They feared people would gossip about them or treat them different. They were sort of worried that some people might rebel and that you might be put in danger, but it was their own reputation's that they really worried about. (A/N: Yeah sorry your parent's are kinda jerks in this one.)


They didn't think that he loved you.

Peter becomes very reserved around people he's not comfortable. You were used to him not being very affectionate in public or around new people unless he was being protective. Your parents, however, weren't.

Your parents expected Peter to be all lovey dovey and such. They were thoroughly disappointed. Sure, Peter had his hand on your back as he led you through the house and held your hand when you sat down, but your parents thought they would have to tell you to get a room, not make it seem like you didn't want to be in the same room.


They already had someone for you to court.

You loved Edmund with everything you had and more. You could never fathom being with someone else. The feelings were mutual. The two of you didn't even want to separate to go to different classes, much less for you to court someone else.

When you first brought Edmund home to meet your parents, they hoped for dear God that Edmund was just a really good friend. They could see how much you loved each other, but they had an agreement. They decided it would be easier to get rid of him if they didn't like him.

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