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Preference: What his first thoughts of you were


Caspian thought you were beautiful.

Even though when you met you were not in your finest clothes, Caspian was in awe of your beauty. How flawless your hair looked in the sun that day. How, even though you work with your hands, they still looked soft and nice to hold. How you held yourself with poise, even though you were of no status whatsoever.


Peter thought you were intimidating.

Peter doesn't back down from a fight, ever. However, after he saw you in debate club, he decided if you ever offered, he would pass. He saw how effortlessly you rebutled arguments and was scared to go around you without being yelled at. He didn't think you were mean, but he could tell you could hold your own, and that was new to him.


Edmund thought you were hilarious.

Edmund appreciates sarcasm and being able to joke around, so when your mutual friend introduced you two, he was excited to meet you. He had heard all about the amazing Y/N, the one who could cheer anyone up with a silly face or one liner. Your personality was even more friendly in person. You were smiling the entire time, and Edmund couldn't get enough of it.

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