Requested Edmund Oneshot

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(A/N: Hello! Hope you're having a good day. Make sure to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! I love you all and want you to be happy and healthy. Also, this cookie dough recipe is real. You can go off what it says in the oneshot, but I would suggest looking up 'eggless cookie dough' in Google. The first photo is the recipe I use a lot. Okay. PSA over.)

Oneshot: Food fight with Edmund

Requested by: @Kati_thesassydragon

        This wasn't your first choice for a date.

        Edmund had asked you out around a week ago. He said he had planned to take you out on a ride, then a picnic while watching the sunset. Kings can pull out all the stops.

        What Edmund didn't plan for was the fact that in a week's time, a war would be under siege, making any excursion outside of the palace suicide for the royals and those close to them.

        So, Edmund made do. He changed his entire plan, hoping it would distract you from the fright of the ongoing war. He knows that when anything like this happens, you need some sort of distraction.

        "Where are we going?" You asked him as he pulled you along a brightly corridor. The windows all around the palace had been closed, so hundreds of unscented candles lit the vast hallways and rooms, making a very romantic atmosphere.

        Edmund smiled, tightening his grip on your hand."You'll see."

       "You tease." You said, trying to keep up with his fast pace."But, Ed," you pulled him closer to you, trying to slow him down,"could you slow down? I'm wearing heels, you aren't." You pulled up your dress a little to emphasize the fact that running in heels isn't exactly a pleasant experience.

        "Oh," Edmund rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly," sorry."

       You kissed his cheek."It's alright." You kissed Edmund on the cheek all the time, but usually it was in a playful sense. Now it seemed a little more weighted.

        Before he had a chance to embarrass himself, Edmund took off down the corridor, pulling you along. He slowed down after a few moments of running, remembering your request. As you pulled up to a door you recognized as the kitchens, Edmund stopped.

        "Here we are." He said. You were confused but tried not to show it.

        "The kitchens?" You asked, awfully confused. Edmund nodded. He opened the door and a wave of different smells hit your nose. Some were more bitter and prominent, you assumed those were the spices, while others were more subtle, like the smell of brown sugar and chocolate. The kitchen was completely deserted, the only movement being the flames of the candles and large fire in the back of the room. 

        "I figured," He said, pulling you into the warm, dimly lit room,"since we can't have a sunset picnic, we could maybe try to bake something." He grabbed two aprons of a hook and tied one around you, putting the other on himself."I was thinking we could make cookies or something." He put a large, very cliche chef's hat on your head.

        You giggled, taking a hat of the hook and putting it on Edmund."Well then, Chef, what recipe are we following?"

       "Erm," he spun around, searching for a book of some sorts. While he found no book, there were cards hanging up behind you."Oh," he reached over you and grabbed the cards in the desserts,"here we go."

       "Let's see." You took half of the stack and started to look through it, searching for the cookie recipe.

        "I can't find a recipe for cookies." You announced, hanging your cards back up.

        "Hang on a second," Ed said, looking over one card."Ok, it's not exactly what I was looking for, but it would work, and probably be easier." He handed you the card. It was like the others, speckled with stains but the paper underneath a light blue.

        The recipe wasn't for cookies. Instead, it was for cookie dough. Eggless cookie dough, so that you could eat it without baking it.

        "This looks good." You said, looking over the ingredients."Were is all of this stuff?" You gestured around with the card. Edmund shrugged. 

        "Not a clue." He summed up.

        "Scavenger hunt?" You guessed. He nodded, a grin forming. You two used to do scavenger hunts in England. You were always better than Edmund, but he would never admit that.

        You two spread out, searching every shelf and cupboard. As you found what you thought you would need, you put it on a large table in the middle. Occasionally you would go over to Edmund to see what else you needed to find. They really needed to label everything.

        "Ok." You said, hands on your hips."I think we got everything." Many different bags and bottles were scattered around the work surface.

        "This should be pretty easy." Edmund said, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You smiled up at him, nodding.

        "Let's get crackalackin'." You said, clapping your hands together. You took the card from Edmund, looking at the instructions.

        "Apparently, all we have to do is measure then mix the ingredients." You summed up."Okay, first we need a ¾ cup of brown sugar." Edmund picked up the brown sugar and a measuring cup and put the ingredient in the bowl."One cup of flour." He did the same thing, but with the flour. You were about to list off the next ingredient, but Edmund put a finger in your lips.

        "Nope." He smirked."My turn." You pouted, handing your date the card."Alright," Edmund said."¼ cup of milk." You got the milk and started to pour it, but your hand slipped. In a last ditch effort as to not ruin all of the unfinished dough, you messily handled the glass bottle of milk so that it spilled all over your dress. You did, however, manage to grab the bottle before it could fall and breaking into a billion pieces.

        "Wow," Edmund whistled."Great job, Y/N."

       "Very funny, Edmund." You retorted. You two had an intense staring contest for about ten seconds, before bursting into a fit of laugher.

        "Here," Edmund gasped. You turned your attention back to the mess, assuming Edmund was going to get you a rag or something. You felt really bad for the maids, as later they would have to clean all of this u- Something being blown into your face pulled you out of your thoughts.

        In front of you was Edmund, one hand covered in white flour, the other covering his mouth to try not to laugh.

        "Did you really just do that?" You asked in disbelief. Edmund nodded, failing to stifle small giggles. You lifted up your skirt and took off your heel, turning back towards Edmund.

        "Oh, it's on."

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