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Preference: Tomboy or girly? (A/N: This will not be completely accurate.)


You were a total girly girl BEFORE you became close with Caspian. When you two started dating, his first gift to you was a beautiful F/C dress. You. Went. Crazy. You loved it. You came from a more unfortunate family, and you didn't get new things often, let alone a prince AND a ballgown. You tried to conceal your happiness when Caspian was around, but it didn't stop you from thanking him every time you saw him. He thought you were adorable. Don't get me started on after you guys go married.


Tomboy. Without a shadow of a doubt. You never wore dresses. You despised them, infact. You wore your riding or training clothes to everything. Sometimes Susan and Lucy would try to get you to wear a dress for something. You would pitch a hissy fit and they would have to get your boyfriend, their brother, High King Peter. He would come in, kiss your forehead, rub your back and politely ask you to please wear a dress. You would give in. No matter how much you didn't like dresses, you, deep inside, did want to look nice for Peter. Peter knew you were uncomfortable, but felt honored that you would go against your moral values for him(sarcasm).


You're a mix. You love training and riding, but you can clean up extremely well. Edmund thought you were beautiful when he first saw you, covered in sweat and dirt. He had no idea what was coming for him. Your father was a noble, so you went to each of the balls and stood around by the snack table. Boys would come and ask for a dance, but you would turn them down. There was only one guy you wanted to dance with, and the young king couldn't take his eyes off of you either. He stood in awe. You had styled your hair to perfection, making it soft and shiny. Your (length) dress made your eyes pop. You weren't wearing any makeup and you could see your, what you called them, imperfections. Edmund loved that you were staying true to yourself, and you looked beautiful doing it.

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