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(A/N: Hey guys! How are you? I hope you're good. So in this preference, which was requested, I'm not going to explicitly write, 'And that was the moment Caspian knew he liked her,' cause that's way to cringey and sappy for this author to handle so nah. These are essentially going to just be the instances in which the reader was really showing him how much she cared about him. You can understand what the guys are thinking because I'm telling you now that they are realising that they have feelings for the reader. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: The moment he realised his feelings for you

Ed- you show that you really know him


You cared about him even while he was sick.

"You really aren't feeling well, are you?" Y/N asked, putting her hand to his forehead. Caspian nearly flinched away from the touch, her cold hand contrasting with his burning skin so greatly it gave him shivers, though shivers were commonplace for him in Y/N's presence. "I daresay that Peter will have to wait for that rematch."

"But the rematch was scheduled for next next week!"

"And I doubt that you will be well by then, given your symptoms." Y/N busied herself in Caspian's bathroom, wetting a towel and bringing it back to him in bed, laying it on his head.

"At least let me do some paperwork," he begged, knowing he would feel useless if he didn't do something productive while under the weather.

Y/N bit her lip. "I'll think about it," she said. "I know how cooped up you feel right now, but know that it is for your own good. You need to recover." She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his flushed cheek. "Now, I need to go check on Peter. Apparently he wasn't feeling well either."

"Look at what I've spread," he laughed, watching his beautiful girl exit his room.


You care about his siblings.

"Have you seen Lucy today?" Y/N asked Peter as they walked the halls of Cair Paravel. The High King shook his head.

"I've not seen her since dinner last night," he said. "Why?"

"Do you think she's feeling alright?" Y/N rubbed nervously at the arm encircling hers. Peter grabbed her hand.

"If it's worrying you, why don't we go and check?" he offered. Seeing her upset made his mood fall. Y/N nodded, quickening her pace towards Lucy's quarters.

When they arrived, Y/N knocked on the door. "Lucy? Lucy, are you alright?"


Y/N quickly opened the door, revealing Lucy, laying on her bed, curled into a ball while clutching her stomach. Her eyes were brimming with tears at the pain she felt. Y/N poked her head back out of the room. "Guards!"

A short time later, as two centaurs carried the young queen to the infirmary in a hammock, Y/N stood by and watched as her friend was taken away.

"She'll be alright, won't she?" Y/N asked Peter hurriedly.

"I believe she will be." Peter was worried himself, but he knew that if worst were to come to worst, Lucy's healing cordial could save her from anything.

"But what if she isn't? What if it's something that even her healing cordial can't stop? What then, Peter?"


You really knew him.

Edmund sat on the beach, the seaside wind cooling against his lightly sunburnt skin. He had taken everything except for his tunic and trousers off, not caring for the many layers in the first place.

He didn't hear her coming, but she didn't startle him when she sat down in the sand next to him, having stripped of much of her clothes as well and only appearing in a thin slip.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked. Edmund leaned back on his hands.


"Well, we all know how dangerous that is for you," she partially joked, taking her hair out of its updo and letting the wind whip it round freely. "What are you thinking about?"

"Can't decide, really," he admitted. "My head's a bit all over the place right now."

"How about you focus on me?"

Edmund laughed, turning his body to face Y/N. "You really know my favorite thing to think about, don't you?"

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