Peter Oneshot 1/2

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(A/N: Hey guys! It turns out the rest of my trip was cancelled, so the hiatus is cancelled!*happy dances* Anyways, I had an idea for this, and then(per the usual,) it changed completely. Oh well. Let me know if you want a part two, seeing as I left it at a cliffhanger. I have an Edmund oneshot I will start writing after I post this, so be excited for that! It's actually a preference that someone wanted me to turn into a oneshot, so whoever you are, look forward to that! Alright, enough rambling. Let's do this!)

Modern Oneshot: Surprise?

Peter's POV

I unlocked the door to my flat and stepped in, welcoming the warmth.

I had driven over to Edmund and F/N's flat to help Edmund with all of the projects they needed done. They had just moved into a bigger place since F/N in expecting, so Edmund is always anxious and crunched for time. I didn't realize how much of a makeover the place needed. I was there all day, and when it was time to leave the heater in my car wouldn't work. I had driven home in the cold, December night weather.

I stepped out of my boots and slid off my coat, taking off my scarf and gloves. I pulled my sweater over my head, leaving me in jeans and a white t-shirt. While it was a bit chilly at first, the heater soon started to work its magic.

I checked my watch on my wrist. 23:17. Y/N is probably already in bed. I sighed, knowing that I couldn't fall asleep with her. I walked into the kitchen that was right off the entry hallway. There was leftover tuna helper left in a pan on the stove with a sticky note on the counter next to it. It read;

"Hey, Bear. I left you some dinner. I'm probably already asleep, sorry 'bout that. Come to bed after your done eating. -Y/N"

I smiled. I love the nickname she gave me. I couldn't blame her for going to bed before I did. I'd gotten home pretty late. I glanced back to the living room to see episodes of Sherlock playing on the television, as I expected. Y/N's favorite pastime is making a warm dinner and curling up on the couch, watching Sherlock, Merlin, NCIS or Once Upon A Time. At least, that's what most Saturday nights consist of. Her bowl was still on the table. It was a bigger bowl than she would normally use, but I shrugged it off.

I got dinner and sat in the living room, watching the half-way done episode of Sherlock. It was the very first episode, so Y/N must have been feeling nostalgic.

I finished dinner quickly, wanting to do nothing more than sleep. I figured I was going to considerably sore in the morning, so why be sleepy as well? I turned off the television. Grabbing Y/N's and my bowl I took them to the kitchen, placing them quietly in the sink. I would have to do the dishes later, but I could worry about that tomorrow. I made my way up the stairs to our shared bedroom and promptly collapsed next to my sleeping wife, pulling her close.

Y/N's POV (It will make a lot more sense this way, trust me.)

I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the windows. A ray hit my eyes, making me turn over, trying to avoid the blinding light. I rolled over, only to be met by the sleeping body of my husband. I jumped, not knowing Peter was going to be there. I had expected him to unintentionally pass out on the couch.

I got out of bed slowly, not wanting to wake him. He was probably extremely tired after everything yesterday.

I had completely forgot about what I had found out yesterday. I stumbled a bit at the realization, but then righted myself to that I didn't fall on my front. That would be even worse.

I went to the bathroom that was off the master bedroom and closed the door behind me. I tried to lock it, but my hands were shaking to badly. The news was earth shattering. It scared me to death, knowing what long term changes it was going to cause. Money was definitely going to be an issue, and Peter might react badly- I stopped myself. I hadn't fully comprehended what was going on. Or really said it out loud, for that matter.

"I'm pregnant." Saying it out loud made me feel better, but it scared me even more. We hadn't exactly been trying for a baby, but we were going to have one anyway. How would Peter react? We are married, and he's expressed wanting kids before. Maybe he'll be happy. I have nothing to worry about. How could I tell him though? Oh wait, that's right. I couldn't. Not calmly, at least. I would probably chicken out, and then he would think something is up and probably jump to conclusions and that's never good. What am I going to do?

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