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Arielle's POV

I decided I wasn't going to wear any make up so then when we go out tonight my make up looks extra good. I brushed my hair to make it go back straight and then put it up into a ponytail. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I wiped my face with a flannel and looked up into the mirror, sorting out any loose pieces of hair. I walked back into my room an slumped down onto my bed and unplugged my phone looking through all my messages.

"Okay so I have just realised the time" I started talking to my camera "so I am going to go find Zoe and go to the first house" I said getting up and walking out of my room to go find Zoe

"Zalfieeeeee" I said jumping in between both of them. They both laughed

"Ow your on my hand" Alfie shouted

"Your such a baby" I whined "you ready?" I asked Zoe as she nodded

"Do you need a lift to Joe's?" I then asked Alfie

"Please" he said "I don't think I can get around properly with my broken hand" he joked shaking his hand


"You love me" he replied back quickly before grabbing his jacket and closing the front door behind us.

"Have fun!" I shouted to Alfie before pulling out of Joe's. After about a 5 minute drive we pulled into the first house. The exterior was very minimal and modern. Neutral colours, light Browns, whites ect...

"Hello Arielle?" A very posh woman said as we got out the car

"Yes, that's Me" I said shaking her hand "this is my friend Zoe" I said. She shook Zoe's hand

"Okay my name is Sarah. You guys can look around at your leisure" she then smiled walking towards the front door and unlocking it

"So is Joe gonna move with you?" Zoe asked. Even though me and Zoe are best friends me and Joe get along like a house on fire. So I guess me and him living together just makes sense. I mean we both hate living alone so

"He said if he likes it a lot then he will" I started walking through the front door. The inside was very minimalistic is well. But I liked it "I think he does wanna move but he doesn't want to act all excited you know" I laughed.

The inside of the house was spacious. All very neutral colours is well. Marble walls along with marble flooring. Very clean, there was large windows which almost took up the whole wall. I walked through the front room which was also connected to the kitchen which was all the same colour scheme. I looked out into the garden which was a decent size there was a pool which I would rarely use in London but it was a nice touch.

"How many bedrooms?" Zoe asked the woman

"5" she smiled "but they could be changed into study's, offices maybe even ensuite bathrooms" she added.

We walked back through the living room and walked up the marble stair case which twisted. Upstairs was like something out of the films.

"This is the master bedroom" Sarah smiled. This bedroom was black and white. Huge. There was a bed in the corner of the room. The whole back wall was all window. The last section a door which opens out into a balcony. The floor all marble still. All the other bedrooms were similar. The bathrooms were amazing, spotless. The baths were big enough for about 3 people and the showers were like something from the future.

"You like?" Sarah asked

"Love it, it's just my style you know?" I said to her as she nodded

"These styles are becoming more and more popular by the day" she stated whilst I began taking pictures and sending them across to Joe.

"Thanks for showing us around!" Zoe said whilst we jumped back into our car.

"I love it!" I squealed

"I know" Zoe laughed "what's the other one like?" She then asked

"Completely different from this one. Very family like house" I replied

"Which one do you think you're going to choose?" Zoe asked

"I have no idea" I huffed, lighting a cigarette. After another 10 minute drive we pulled up on a gravel drive way. This house was completely different this house felt more safe in a way. Somewhere were you could be relaxed I guess. Somewhere my children could grow up. I guess I am only 19 but still these houses are quite expensive so I don't want to buy something for only a short period of time. But again this kind of house isn't me. It was a very traditional house.

"Hi my names Andrew" an elder man said to me "this is a 4 bedroom house and 2 bathrooms along with half an acre of land. Please feel free to look around and ask as many questions as you would like" he smiled. Me and Zoe both thanked him and walked into the house.

The house was warm and cosy. Brick walls and carpet all the rooms were separate and all had a completely different colour scheme. Large sofas and book cases. Lots of dining tables and statues around. Upstairs was the same. Traditional chandeliers and king size beds. I kept taking pictures and sending them to Joe. The Garden was a healthy green colour and went on for what felt like forever

"What you thinking?" Zoe asked

"I have no idea. I do love this one but I can't imagine me here you know?" I huffed. "I think we should go before I change my mind again" I laughed. We thanked the man and left

"What's up with you?" I asked Zoe who has been really quite lately

"Things with me and Alfie aren't okay" she huffed

"Why?" I said concerned

"I don't know. The Sparks gone I guess, it used to be fun, exciting but now it's boring you know. Like he's bored of me. Bored of us" she replied with

"Don't be so silly" I said trying to reassure her

"Trust me. Like today he would usually come with us two but instead he went with the guys. I don't know Ari"

"Let's do what tonight brings. I mean alcohol can solve everything right?" I joked

"I guess your right" she slightly giggled

"Come on" I said pulling into Joe's apartment and turning the car off.

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