What ride first?

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Arielle's POV

I am at my meet and greet. I love meet and greets. It just puts everything into reality I guess, like I'm not just talking to a camera at the end of the day I'm talking to really people who have real problems.

"Hi we made this fan book for you!" These to Japanese girls ran up to me handing me this thick book.

"Aw thank you so much!" I said giving them a hug and taking some pictures talking to them. 3 hours later I had finally met everyone and was helping the people back up. Tomorrow no one was doing anything so I think we have all decided to go to Disneyland for the day which will be cute. I got back to me and Jacks room and got changed into my pink Triangl bikini and some black flip flops. I grabbed my phone and headphone and walked down to the pool where Zoe was lying on a lounger whilst all the guys were in the pool messing about doing flips, handstands and splashing eachother

"How was your meet and greet?" Zoe asked

"Amazing!" I said back putting on my sunglasses and tying my hair up. "I still don't know what to do about the job" I huffed after tanning in silence for half an hour

"Jacks going to be devastated" she said "he really does like you" she sat up and took her glasses of, so did I. I haven't really thought about what Jack and all the others would of thought

"But Zoe you know me. At the end of the day I don't really care about what people think" I huffed

"But you care what Jack thinks"

This was true I guess. I looked over to Jack who was laughing away in the pool with Caspar and Oli. Joe and Conor had gone to try and chat up these 2 girls that they saw at the bar.

Jack woke me up in the morning

"We're going to Disneyland" he said like an excited 5 year old. I groaned and tried to get back to sleep. He pulled the covers off me.

"I hate you" I half said, almost falling asleep again. After half an hour I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom getting into the shower. I washed my hair and my body and jumped back out wrapping one towel around my body and one around my hair. I walked back into the room where Jack was sitting on his phone.

"Look away" I said to him

"Not like I haven't seen any of it already" he winked

"If you keep going on like that you won't see it again" I threatened. He huffed and walked into the bathroom, I chuckled. And got changed into an oversized jumper and some ripped shorts which you could only just about see as the jumped was big. I packed my black handbag with all the things I needed and then quickly did my make up. I sat down on the bed as we had a good half an hour before we all decided we would leave.

"We got half an hour you know" Jack winked and sat next to me. He started to play with my hair

"What are you suggesting?" I said bitting my lip

"You know what I'm suggesting" he whispered leaning in for a kiss.

Jacks POV

We were finally on our way to Disneyland. I was so excited I mean this is turning out to be one of the best days ever. Me and Arielle had sex again. Ever since we kissed it's like I've gone crazy over her. I just want her all the time. We've had sex a couple of times now and honestly I don't think I could ever get bored of it. She's amazing. We kept making eye contact in the car and laughing at eachother. There was Me, Arielle, Zoe, Caspar, Joe, Oli, Conor, Marcus, Jim and Tanya but Zoe and Tanya didn't really like roller coasters so for rides Arielle was fucked

"What ride first?" Arielle said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the park

"I think that one" Joe said pointing up to the biggest ride that was there. Everyone agreed as we queued up for the ride

"Who sitting with who?" Arielle asked. On the ride you had to sit in pairs. We decided that I would sit with Arielle. Joe with Caspar. Oli with Conor and Marcus with Jim. Tanya and Zoe stood at the side with Arielle's camera. As she had the best one. And then everyone would use the footage instead of Zoe and Tanya trying to film on everyone's camera.

"You scared?" I asked Arielle

"I'm not scared of anything" she laughed back, even though she was holding my hand. After all of the rides we got caught in the parade

"I can't see" I heard Arielle say from afar. I walked over to her and let her sit on my shoulders as she played with my hair, watching the parade and singing along to the songs with Zoe. Even though she wasn't speaking to me she made me smile.

I really like this girl.

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