Meetings as usual

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Arielle's POV

I put my hair into a slick back ponytail and did my make up deciding on a nude colour lipstick and then going all out on the eye make up making my green eyes stand out even more. I then changed into a khaki halter neck jumpsuit which I was going to sell as part of my range. I sprayed myself with some lady million perfume and made sure everything was in my white and gold clutch bag. I slipped on my white heels which made me slightly taller but still incredibly short. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror fiddling with my nose ring and then walking down the stairs to meet everyone.

"Very nice" Zoe said giving me a twirl of her floral skater skirt which was also part of my new range. I thanked her and then walked out. Me Joe Zoe and Alfie jumped into one uber and then everyone else got into another one.

"Aw you can't even drink" Joe laughed at Zoe

"Fuck off" she cursed

"I'm not drinking that much anyway" I huffed

"Yeah but you not drinking that much is drinking a normal amount" Alfie laughed. I shrugged.

"Why not anyway?" Zoe said ignoring Alfies comment

"I've got meetings again tomorrow" I huffed. It wasn't that bad anyway. I did love being busy. We didn't have to wait in the line for the club as we were considered VIP's or whatever. I thanked the security guard and walked in. Al clubs smelt the same I guess. Alcohol and sweat. Lovely. We all found a booth and walked over. Lydia and Lucy were already here.

"Okay I'll go get the drinks" I smiled "I'll just get a couple of bottles of champagne it's easier right?" I asked. Everyone agreed and I walked over to the bar.

"Thought you might need some help" Jack said squeezing his way next to me.

"Oh. Thanks" I said bluntly not really wanting to speak to him.

"Arielle what's up?" He asked

"What's up?!" I laughed as if he was joking. "What's up is that I actually really fucking like you Jack and then you just go and mug me off all the fucking time"

"Mug you off? How?" He said as if he didn't know what he was doing.

"You what kiss me when you want, flirt with me when you want and then fuck me when you want. Or wait sorry is that not mugging off?" I said. "Oh and then to top it all of you bring Lydia are my house. Let me repeat that MY house" I said emphasising 'my' "when she clearly likes you Jack. It's awkward. I shouldn't feel awkward it my own home. Oh and then I have people telling me shit about how you actually like me and all this shit. Jack if you actually like me I'm going to need a bit more then an Instagram post or a tweet now" I said and shoved some champagne glasses into his body. Tears were welling up in my eyes. I never really liked people like that so this was a weird feeling.

"You okay?" Zoe asked. I just nodded but it was one of them things you know when your really sad and then someone asks if you okay and then you just break down.

"I'm just going for a smoke" I smiled as Jack made it to the table. Lydia automatically wrapped her arms around Jack. Another thing I cannot stand girls who cling onto guys like that. I walked out into the back and found a bench to sit on. I sat down and pulled out a pack and a lighter and also my phone. I lit the cigarette and unlocked my phone.

"What's up buttercup" Joe sat down opposite me.

"Jacks being an asshole" I half laughed

"When is he not" he rolled his eyes. I just laughed offering him a cigarette which he accepted for once. He took my lighter and lit it as I lit another one. "What happened?"

"I just said I was sick of being taken for a mug and if he actually likes me he needs to prove it" I said.

"Fair enough, I don't like it when your sad" he frowned.

"Aw bless" I smiled to him blowing him a kiss.

Jacks POV

The whole night was pretty shit. I fucked up really bad. What was going through my head inviting Lydia and Lucy on a night out and too Arielle's house fuck sake. Arielle seemed fine as she was dancing with Joe Oli and Zoe but what I have learnt about Ari is that she's really good at acting not fine. We would make eye contact throughout the night which made things worse.

"Morning!" Zoe walked down the stairs. We all stayed at Arielle's and Joe's house last night. I don't know why we bother calling it Ari's and Joe's house because we all never really go to our own house.

"Where's Arielle?" Was the first thing I managed to say

"Meetings as usual" Zoe said taking some juice out of the fridge. Arielle was doing really well for herself. Proud.

"Okay so it's Arielle's birthday on Saturday" Joe gathered us all on the sofa. "So I'm thinking we should do something" he said

"A surprise!" Zoe said excited.

"Yeah exactly. So we need to plan it well so she doesn't find out. But it should be pretty easy as she's constantly out at the moment" Joe laughed

"Leave it all too me" I said boldly "please guys you know how much I need to fix things with her"

"Only one one condition" Zoe said

"You clearly want her to be your girlfriend, so I mean this could be the perfect opportunity?" Zoe said. Blackmail at its finest

"So your saying I can only plan it if I somehow involve asking her to be my girlfriend?" I said more as a question

"Yeah. Out of all people Arielle deserves it"

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