To us

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Arielle's POV

"Last call for flight 19371 to London Heathrow airport" the woman called out. Everyone picked up the pace but we eventually made it onto the airplane.

"Gosh I definitely need to invest in a private jet or something" I joking squeezing in between Jack and Josh. For some reason I just hated sitting on the end. I buckled up my seat belt and relaxed. I have always found traveling relaxing in a way. Unlike everyone else in the world who finds it stressful and boring.

"Wake up ugly" Jack nudged me. Waking me up. "We have 20 minutes left" he said. I nodded and moved around a bit trying to wake myself up. I wiped my face with a make up wipe also trying to wake myself up.

"You have arrived in London England. Local time here is 1:30 pm. If you are here for a holiday we have you enjoy or welcome home. If you have a connecting flight we hope you travel safely" the captain announced we stood up and grabbed our hand luggage bags and walked off the plane. We then sat down as we waited for our luggage to come through.

"Duty free!" Me and Zoe Clapped as our suitcases came first.

"See you later suckers" I waved walking off with Zoe as there was no way we were going to wait for them. We walked around duty free for about an hour buying perfumes, chocolates and make up. I finally bought some cigarettes and then met up with the guys.

"Ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded and jumped into a cab. They dropped the guys back first and then Zoe and Alfie.

"Thank you so much" i smiled to the cab man as he took out my suitcase from the boot. I gave him some money and the pulled my key out from my bag.

"Oh hey" Joe said awkwardly as Amy jumped off his lap. Gosh in a way I forgot about them 2. I just smiled. "You alright?" He then asked. For God sake why is he trying to make conversation with me?

"Yep" I replied back with popping the p

"You have fun?" He then asked.

"Yeah you should of come" I smiled sarcastically "but I'm having a house party tomorrow to celebrate everything. So you guys should definitely come" I smiled again very fakely. I walked up the stairs and unpacked everything making sure I put everything up in colour ordered and ironed it if needed. I threw everything else into the wash bin.

"Hey babe" Jack walked into my room. Joe must of let him in. "I was thinking" he sat down in my bed.

"Go on?" I said slightly worried.

"We haven't been on a date" he laughed "like yeah we've gone out and stuff but not an official date" he sofas running his hands through his hair. "So we are going on a date" he smiled

"Now?" I half laughed

"Well yeah?" He said as if that were obvious and that girls don't take 3 hours to get ready for a date and then another half an hour taking selfies. "Come on" he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house

Jacks POV

"Come on" I smirked grabbing her hand. She had a big khaki wooly jumped on and a pair of leggings with her Timberlands. It's like she's been my first proper girlfriend and I haven't really known what to do about it.

Flashback to before New York

"Hey bro" I jumped onto the sofa next to Joe "I haven't seen much of you lately"

"Yeah how's it going?" He smiled locking his phone

"Yeah all good what about you?" I asked

"Yeah not bad, not bad" he nodded

"You've been spending a lot of time with Amy"

"What are you trying to suggest?" He said in a defensive manor.

"Just saying. Like its a bit much isn't it?"

"Jack it's normal. That's what happens when you get s girlfriend. You just go out with the lads a little less" he laughed. "I mean if you wanna talk about relationships then I could say something to you"

"Okay what's that then?" I laughed.

"Start treating Arielle more as a girlfriend and less as a friend" he sniggered and walked off

Back to normal time

"Jack what are you doing?" She asked as I covered her eyes walking behind her leading her to where I wanted her to go.

"Okay you can look" I smiled removing my hands from her eyes. Her eyes adjusted to the light and looked around. We were in a field park type place where no one really went. I had laid a blanket on the floor whilst throwing some black and red rose petals around. I wrapped some fairy lights around the bushes and tress that surrounded us. Sun set was currently happening so I have also lit some candles which smelt of marshmellows. We both sat down as I opened up a little basket thing full of her favourite foods

"No way did you get prawns" she laughing pulling out a box of warm prawns which batter over it. "Why did you do this?" She laughed eating a prawn.

"Because I realised I haven't been the best boyfriend"

"What?" She laughed

"No I mean like spending time with you and the way I act and stuff, just not very mature I guess" I said.

"Well I am very proud of you" she smiled picking up her glass of champagne and titling it towards me for a toast.

"To us" she smiled.

"To us"

After feeding strawberries to eachother and feeding leftover food to the birds we stood up realising how dark it was.

"So I have something that's been playing on my mind a bit" I said standing still in the middle of the path.

"What?" She asked all worried.

"And well I've never said it before"

"Jack fucking spit it out" she laughed.

"I think well erm. I think I'm in love with you" I stuttered out. She kissed me

"I love you too Jack" she smiled.

"Thing is I will only believe you if you shout it right now" I smirked

"What no" she giggled all cute. "I'll get it trouble"

"Good one" I rolled my eyes. "Guess I can't believe you" I closed my eyes and started to walk off

"I love you Jack Maynard" I heard a faint shout. I turned around and walked back over too her. I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her small body.

"Your a dick" she laughed

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