Fucking and speaking about life

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Jacks POV

It was midnight now and we had been here for a good 3 hours now. I usually love parties and I go out every night basically but this just didn't feel right. Everyone understood that I got angry last night and that's why I said the things I did but everyone loves Arielle too much to see her sad. Zoe told me that nothing makes Arielle cry apart from her parents death so she said Arielle must really care about me and what i think about her to make her cry. She was messing about with Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan singing along to Troye's new song Fools. I haven't seen her this whole party and I know I need to speak to her.

Meet me outside in 5. Please. We need to talk X

I press send and watched her look at her phone and look around to find me. I quickly looked away and carried in looking involved in the conversation.

"I'm just getting some air" I said to the guys and then walked outside. I sat on the wall waiting

"I erm got you a drink" I said handing her a lemonade with a vodka in it.

"Thanks" she smiled. She shivered

"Take my jacket" I insisted, taking off my black bomber jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders

"You gonna talk or are we just going to stand here?" She said sassy

"Ari. You know I'm sorry honestly but that's only because I care. We've only known eachother what 2, 3 months and look how far we've come. We can't keep our hands eachother. Yeah i fucked up I know but I can't let you go. I can't not see you" I huffed. She said nothing. "I'm so sorry" my voice broke

She still said nothing but instead she leant in and kissed me. She tasted of well her.

"So your not going?"

"How could I ever leave this?" She laughed.

"And your coming back with us tonight?"

"Well I need to pick up my stuff and then maybe. But I'll probably be too pissed and fall asleep there" she laughed. I kissed her again. Goddam she was irresistible.

"I'm gonna go find Joe" she smiled and then walked off. I smiled to myself and then walked back into the club

"Everything go well?" Joe asked. Everyone was standing around the table

"Yeah she said she was going to look for you" I said back taking a mouthful of my beer. I looked around for her. She was dancing with Kian.

"She's not yours remember that" Zoe said and gave me a look. One thing after another. This was it. I walked over to Arielle and pushed her against the wall kissing her

"What are you doing?" She said in between kisses

"I need you to be mine. I can't do this anymore, your games are driving me crazy" I said.

"Jack the alcohol is speaking"

"What no" I laughed. I was pretty sure the alcohol wasn't speaking

"Guys done like me in that was Jack" she laughed "we will speak tomorrow" she said kissing me. She does this thing where she bites your bottom lip.

Arielle's POV

I woke up feeling like shit. Hungover. I was in the dodgy motel lying next to Jack.

"Morning boo" he groaned. I kissed his nose and then got out of bed and did my usual morning routine. We were flying at night so I didn't put any make up on as what's the point really. I blow dried my hair making large curls at the bottom of my hair. I then got back into bed where Jack was still lying.

"I packed you stuff" he said wrapping his arm around my waist

"Why" I laughed

"I didn't think you were going to come back" he half laughed

"Cutie" I poked his nose as he scrunched his face. I pulled out my laptop and wrote an email to the brothers saying I am forever grateful for their offer but I cannot accept it

YouTube is my life

I wrote and smiled to myself. I pressed send and almost immediately got a reply back


You will always have a place here if you change your mind. Every now and then we would like to send you some of our product and maybe you could make a video about them? We would pay you for advertising


Victoria's Secret

I smiled to myself again and re read the email a couple of times. I am one of those people that don't see a problem with doing videos of myself in my bra and underwear bedside I just see it the same as a bikini and no one seems to have a problem with that.

"Why can't things be like this forever" Jack laughed. We have been in bed all day. Fucking and speaking about life. Fucking and speaking about like and fucking and speaking about life. It was 4 o clock now and we decided we would get out of bed and go over to the hotel to get out things ready. I threw on Jacks hoodie which I wear too much and then a pair of jogging bottom material shorts. We jumped in a cab and arrived back at the hotel. I helped Jack pack his things and we were all ready by half 7.

"So we have an hour" Jack smirked to me running his hands up and down my waist. I got way to hot wearing his hoodie so I changed into a vest. I bit my lip trying to resist. "Don't even try to resist" he laughed. I laughed back and looked him in the eyes.

"Your lucky I'm a forgiving person Maynard" I winked kissing him.

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