The Dream Is Never Complete

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Arielle's POV

After the Teen Choice Awards we haven't really heard much from Zoe and Alfie. Like maybe a text here and there but literally none of us have had a full conversation with them. Not even Joe. We have been back in England for about 10 days and me and Joe have decided to have a house party to celebrate the end of winter I guess.

"Let's go shopping to get some shit for tonight" I said to Joe running down the stairs in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a plain white t-shirt which was a tight fit. Joe stood up and brushed his pair of grey tracksuit bottoms. We jumped into my car and drove to Sainsburys.

"Right what do you think we will need?" I asked Joe as I grabbed a trolley.

"Okay erm definitely paper cups and paper plates" he said as we found that isle and grabbed a couple of packs of each. We then picked up some straws and various different types of alcohol and then different types of nibble food.

"Don't you think it's weird how Zoe and Alfie haven't really spoken to us much?" I asked Joe as we were wondering up and down different isles.

"Yeah I was just thinking that, do you think they're gonna come tonight?" Joe replied back with.

"I really hope so, I really do miss Zo" I replied back. Literally without Zoe I have no girl friends apart from Casey. So being surrounded by guys all the time can really suck. We then paid for everything and decided to go for lunch.

"You not spoke to Alfie either?" I asked Joe as we sat down in this little run down cafe which we always go to.

"Nope, again not since LA" he huffed. "I just don't understand why?"

"Yeah me neither, something has made him change" I said to Joe as he just nodded and took a bite out of his toastie. We are our food and than got back to the house and load everything out in one of them neat messes which looks really messy but you know where everything is. It was way to early to begin getting ready so me and Joe sat on the sofa and watched a couple of episodes of family guy.

"Shit what's the time?" I said waking up from my nap.

"Just gone 7" Joe said as if that have me plenty of time to get ready. I jumped up and then ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and then got changed into a strapless black dress. I loosely curled the ends of my long hair and then did a matte red lip with a gold eye. Even though this sounds like it didn't take me a long time, it took me a good 2 and a half hours, so yes I was late for my own party and what?

 Even though this sounds like it didn't take me a long time, it took me a good 2 and a half hours, so yes I was late for my own party and what?

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I put on a pair of black heels and then walked down the stairs. I waked straight to the drinks table and poured myself a vodka and Coke. I then spotted Jack and the guys so I walked over.

"Heya" I said to Jack.

"Hey" he said pretty bluntly. This was weird. He then just carried on his conversation with the guys. How can he go from wanting to spoil me and show me off to not even wanting to speak to me. I then saw the door open and see Zoe and Alfie walked in.

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