Girls talk

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Zoe's POV

I'm seriously starting to get worried about Alfie. I have even called his parents and they said they didn't know where he is. And it's even more weird that he hasn't posted anything on social media. I mean I haven't been that active lately but I've still uploaded a video and tweeted every now and then. Alfie has done zero. Arielle's been gone for a couple of days now also but she's still been vlogging and stuff and face timing me whilst she's with Owen, Casey and Ben. It's so weird. You can take the girl out of Sutton but you can't take the Sutton out of the girl. She's been going to parties and stuff every single night and she seems to be genuinely happy for herself. On the other hand Jack has realised he's fucked up badly.

"How has she messaged all of you but not me" he stressed

"Maybe because you broke up with her" Oli said

"And then maybe because you called her a bitch" Joe then added

"Erghh for fucks sake" he groaned. It's almost bonfire night and we were all meant to be going to a party which gleam team have organised out in the country side for us all. Not too sure if we will all be going because everyone is drained but maybe going out will help us all.

"I'm gonna call a babysitter for tomorrow" I said to Joe who nodded.

"You coming then?" Conor asked

"Yeah I need to get all glammed up" I said flipping my hair jokingly. Conor has been really good to me with this whole Alfie and the baby situation. He always offers his help and helps whenever and wherever he can.

"I'll look after Sophia whilst you go buy a dress if you want?" Conor then offered. This party thing was a dress up event so you can't really go in a short dress thing. More of a long dress event.

"You sure?" I said back politely.

"Of course! You go" he then added ushering me out of the front door. grabbing my purse for me which was on the side.

"Buy something cute" he shouted whilst I was walking down the street. Bless him. I found a cab and jumped in as he took me to Bond Street. I walked in and it a couple of shops. I finally found the dress that gave me the feeling. Only girls will experience this feeling of when you find the right dress and you just get this feeling which you can't explain but you just know it's perfect. The dress was white with gold details down each of the side. I also picked up a lie of white heels too match.

"This looks perfect ma'am" the woman in the shop said as I walked out of the changing rooms

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"This looks perfect ma'am" the woman in the shop said as I walked out of the changing rooms. I looked at myself from all angles and agreed with the woman. I got changed back into my boyfriend jeans and my black and white striped turtle neck top. As I came out the woman had already folded it neatly into a bag for me and put all scented tissue paper around the box of shoes. I paid for it all and thanked the woman and gave her a small tip as she was so nice. Nice people really have an impact on your day. They make your day just a little bit better. I arrived back home and slumped down infront of the tv with the guys.

"Do you think Ari will come tomorrow?" Jack asked

"I can't imagine why not" I shrugged rocking baby Sophia's cot. "She never misses an opportunity like that" I added

"Yeah she text me saying she is" Joe added

"Well why has she been texting you?" Jack snapped back

"She's been texting me since she's left" Joe shrugged clueless.

"Well why have you been replying?" Jack said. He's obviously in one of his funny moods

"Because I'm her friend?" Joe laughed.

"Well you know what's going on between us. I just think it's wrong" Jack shrugged

"I'm not even going to try" Joe laughed back annoyed.

"Well what do you fancy her or something" Jack gritted his teeth.

"What are you on about?"

"Well I mean you're always going on about her and I can tell you're clearly jealous" Jack rolled his eyes. The whole time everyone else was just staring

"Jealous?" Joe repeated laughing.

"Yeah what me and Ari have is what you want. A chill relationship with loads of sex" Jack laughed

"Why do you always feel the need to brag. Your not the only one who has had sex with Ari in this room" I laughed. You know in an argument when someone and someone just says something so deep. This is what Joe has just done.

"You're so lucky I can't be fucked for a fight right now" Jack said back

"Or what your going to hit me because I fucked you're ex girlfriend even more you two were a thing?" Joe laughed. Beginning to put on Bentleys and Nalas leads. I stood up seconding I would go with him.

"Oh by the way her favourite position is missionary" Joe winked to Jack as he slammed the door behind us two.

"How did you know hat was her favourite position?" I laughed.

"Zoe you must remember how many times we fucked" he replied back with laughing "how do you know her favourite position?" He then laughed pulling a disgusted face

"Girls talk" I shrugged and then laughing again.

Arielle's POV

"So where are you going to stay tonight?" Casey asked me whilst I was getting ready for tonight's party which the gleam team had organised. I was currently curling my hair all messily.

"Not too sure yet but I'll be fine don't worry" I laughed looking down to my phone as Joe was trying to FaceTime me.

"Hey babe" I answered the call and leaning it on my leg and the wall. Casey sat down next to me so Joe could see both of us.

"Oh hey Case!" Joe smiled. Joe got along with all of them lots so it was good.

"Hey Joseph" she waved.

"What's up?" I asked

"So me and Jack had a little argument last night" he started

"Oh god I almost forgot he existed" I joked rolling my eyes.

"What happened?" Casey asked. Ben and Owen then walked in and sat down on the bed lighting a spliff each and then sharing it between me and Casey.

"He was just like oh why is Ari messaging you and not me. Oh do you fancy her? And then he got all mad because he was like your jealous of our relationship and then I was like well your not the only one that has fucked Ari in this room and he was all like you're so lucky I'm not in the mood for a fight and then when I left to walk Bentley I was like oh her favourite position is Missionary. And then boom I walked out like a boss" he joked at the end

"No way" I said shocked

"What an ass" Owen said in the background handing me the spliff so I could take the last pull

"Why does he get in them moods for fuck sake" I said applying some lipgloss.

"I think he's regretting what he did"

"Yeah he should" Casey laughed "look what he's missing out on" she added clicking her fingers in a Z shape.

"Still nothing from Alfie?" I then asked him

"nope" he said back reluctantly.

"Zoes all good though isn't she?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine!" I heard Zoe shout out in the background which made me laugh.

"Alright I'll see you soon"

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