Sorry pretty girl

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Jacks POV

We were in the pool messing around. Joe and Caspar had just finished there meet and Greet. The girls were all lying about tanning, being boring.

"Jack put me down!" Arielle screamed as I got out of the pool and picked her up. Obviously making sure she want holding her phone or anything like that. She was kicking her legs even though I have a firm grip on her

"I swear to god Jack, I have just straightened my hair" she then said. I did feel a slightly bad but it was more funny I guess. I leant her just above the pool. I was looking into her bright green eyes.

"Sorry pretty girl" I winked dropping her in the pool.

"Your such an asshole" she said as she re submerged from the water. "At least help me out" she said holding out her hand. I held out my hand and pulled her up. But I was wrong. Very wrong. Instead she pulled me into the pool is well.

"I thought you were strong baby?" She said pouting. I'm obsessed with her. I can't help it. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her.

"Jack we can't. Not here" she said pulling away.


"We are surrounded my people who out videos on the Internet for a living. We have no idea who's video we could be in the background of" she said.

"Who cares" She just giggled and then went back in for the kiss. She gave up not getting out of the pool and instead Zoe and Tanya got in is well. We handed some man out phones and he took a couple of pictures. We thanked him and carried on messing about.

Me and Arielle had an argument about who was going to shower first. She said it takes her longer to get ready so I reluctantly agreed to let she shower first. Whilst I was going through my photos on my phone. I can across the picture of me and Arielle one of the first times we met. When we went on the just out and Alfie got in the fight with the boxer guy. I posted the picture of us pulling silly faces on my Instagram with the heart eye emoji. All the comments were either about is two being together. Getting together or about what happened to Lydia. I locked my phone and Arielle came out of the shower. And I walked in. She went on her phone and saw the Instagram picture. She commented my Boy I smiled at the comment which then started even more rumours and comments to flow in. After my shower i walked back into the room. Arielle wearing a very light pink, almost white skirt with a white vest top. She then put on a leather Jacket. She was wearing very high nude High heels. I walked past her and squeezed her bum. She slapped my hand.

"Ass" she huffed. And then carried on doing her make up.

I laughed to myself and then got changed into a grey t-shirt and some black ripped jeans. My hair was not okay so I put on a black fedora.

"Selfie" Arielle said strutting over to me. She gave me her phone because she had this weird hing where if she took a a selfie with someone she would never hold the phone. She says it makes her head look to big or something.

Arielle's POV

I was waiting for Jack to come out of the shower. I had done my make up weirdly quickly so I sat down on the bed

"Ow!" I screamed as I sat on something. I jumped back up and looked at what I had just sat on. The fan book that the two girls have me yesterday. I picked it up and sat back down. I opened the book and started looking through it. Their was pictures of me with everyone. Me with everyone, me with fans, friends, me as a baby, me in my videos all on each page

Please don't ever quit!

It read on the last page. A tear fell down my face. I couldn't help it. I really didn't know what to think. I could hear Jack coming so I quickly jumped up and walked to the mirror quickly fixing my make up

"Ass" I called him as he squeezed my bum. We took some selfies and left the room.

"Fucking again?" Conor said rolling his eyes. I hit him over the head as everyone laughed. We all jumped into a car and arrived at the restaurant 20 minutes later.

"Sorry there's a 15 minute wait for a table" the waiter said to us bee all agreed that that was fine and ordered some drinks whilst we were waiting. All of us were stood around this little circular table having a drink.

"I think we should get a dog" I said to Joe


"I'll pick up the shit"

"Okay" I laughed.

"Oh how was that meeting the other day?" Alfie said. My stomach sank

"Okay I'm going to be honest with you guys" I started. Everyone went silent

"What?" Joe said. Zoe squeezed my hand under the table

"I wasn't at a meeting"

"Well then where were you?" Joe asked

"At an audition"

"For what?" Jim asked

"To be a Victoria's Secret Angel"

"Did you get the job?" Caspar asked


"Well when do you start that's great!" Tanya said

"They said I have to move to LA and quit YouTube to definitely get it" I said

"Your not going to do that though are you?" Jack laughed. I said nothing

"Tell me your not going" Jack said getting more angry by the second

"I don't know" I huffed.

"What the fuck" Jack said half laughing, I'm guessing from disappointment. He threw his glass I the floor, smashing it everywhere. He walked out. Punching the wall

I ran my hands through my hair. I fucked up

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