Snapchat stories.

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Arielle's POV

"Hi everyone" I said sitting in my bed filming a main channel video. We got home from bowling at around half past midnight last night. Zoe stayed over at mine whist Conor and Jack went back to there house and everyone else went back to Joe's. Maybe Caspar went back to his new place but I have no idea.

"So I thought today I would just do a QnA as lots of you have been asking me to do this. So I tweeting asking you guys to tweet me questions with the hashtag Askielle. I know clever right" I laughed.

If you wasn't doing YouTube right now what would you be doing?

"well I think that I would probably be in university studying either Criminology, Law or Phycology" I stated "I'm literally the biggest nerd. I think learning is so interesting"

What's going on with the house?

"So obscene never been so excited in my life! Yesterday me and Joe actually bought the house!" I clapped my hands "it's so amazing but I made sure that I shotgunned the biggest bedroom so it's okay"

Is it true that you fancy Jack Maynard?

"Okay number one this question was actually sent by Jack" I laughed "number 2 Jack, let's get this right you fancy me" I laughed again "and finally why were you awake at half past 4 in the morning" I questioned.

I spent the next half an hour answering questions.

"Thankyou for watching guys! If you don't know I post something everyday on my second channel so go check that out! Please like subscribe and all that shit" I laughed "love you" I then finished and threw my hand over the lens. I turned my camera off and imported the content to my laptop. I picked up my laptop and walked into the living room. I chucked my phone and laptop on my sofa and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a pasta and put in in the microwave. I waited 3 and a half minutes and took the food out of the microwave and put it onto a plate. I grabbed a fork and walked back into the living room.

"You okay sexy?" I said to Zoe who appeared on the sofa

"Yeah not bad" she smiled "Alfie text me. Says he wants to see me tonight" she added

"And you agreed?" I said

"I haven't replied"

"Why. Look Zoe you trust him. What's the worst that could happen?" I said back opening up my laptop

"He could break my heart" she laughed

"But your not dead" I started "your strong Zoe. So what if he breaks your heart. If he does he's just a boy. You have millions of guys wanting to be with you" I laughed. Zoe smiled and then went on her phone to text Alfie.

"Wanna go shopping?" I asked as I finished editing my video and scheduling it for a particular upload time "you gotta look good for Alfie" I winked. She agreed and gathered her stuff. I jumped in my car and headed for westfields.

Alfie's POV

"Where are you going?" Caspar asked

"Erm I can't tell you right now but I promise I will tell you soon" I smiled to him "I'll be back in an hour our two" I said and walked out of Joe's place. I really should learn how to drive I thought as I got to the train station and was waiting on the platform. My face still had some cuts on it but my eye just looked as if I was tired now. As I was waiting for the train a couple of fans came up to me and asked for some pictures. I agreed but when they asked what happened to my face I panicked and said Nala got excited and scratched my face. They just laughed. When my train arrived I hopped on and grabbed a seat taking my phone out of my back pocket and opening up snapchat and looking at people's stories. You find out a lot from people's stories.

Zoe <3

I'll meet you at 7. Even if you're 1 minute late I'm leaving

I took a deep breath and relaxed slightly. I mean I could of had a better response but at least she didn't say no. Arielle and Zoe have gone to westfields from what I can see on there stories

"Hi welcome to Thomas & co. Estate agents what can I do for you?" An oldish lady said to me once I got to the shop

"Hi I believe you have a house for sale. It's quite old. Very traditional?" I sad more as a question. Well that's what Arielle told me to say. I then got out my phone and showed her the pictures of what Arielle sent me. I prayed in my head hat the house was still for sale.

"Ah yes follow me sir" she smiled and led me to her computer and desk. She sat one side and I sat the opposite

"What are you looking to do with this house?" She asked. I panicked and didn't know what to say.

"I mean we have a viewing available in half an hour if you would like to take it" she said

"No erm how much does it cost sorry?"

"We are saying 2 and a half million" she said as if that were easy money.

"I'll have it"

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