Ciggarettes and Starbucks

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Arielle's POV

Everyone stayed around last night so we all fell asleep on the sofas. Everyone kinda woke up around the same time. So I laid the table and out out all the cereals and milk. I put out the juices is well and everyone sat around the table.

"Okay I've got to go to the offices quick and then I will be back" I said eating my cereal.

"What are you doing at the offices?" Joe asked

"I've just got to sign posters and stuff and then I am just planning things" I replied back with pouring juice into my glass.

""Yeah I've been watching your vlogs, what are you organising?" Conor asked.

"So basically a fashion range has like approached me and I've been designing a couple of items for that"

"Oh my god that's so cool" Zoe congratulated me. I thanked her and showed her some of the designs.

"Oh and Arielle guess what?" Conor said. I nodded looking over to him as I had a mouthful of cereal in my mouth.

"After your karaoke video yeah everyone's been asking us for a joint cover" he wiggled his eyebrows

"Hmm maybe" I said. That was a definite no. I am definitely not confident enough to do that. I washed my bowl and cup and got myself ready. i wore a pair of leggings and one of joes hoodies to piss Jack off. Sometimes I swear I don't wear my own clothes half the time. My hair was down and straight and I had my Rayban glasses on. I couldn't be bothered to do my make up so I just had some lip balm on which tinted my lips slightly.

"I'll be back later" I waved to everyone gathering all my things. I gave Zoe a hug and then jumped into my Range Rover.

"Hi, I'm so sorry I'm late. London traffic and that" I rushed into the meeting room. Papers in a messy order in my hand. A pack of cigarettes and a Starbucks in the other hand.

"Okay so the first design I have is a pair of jeans. I'm thinking we do some blue ones with rips in them and then the same in black. I'm then thinking some fancy tops a couple cropped and some blouses" I started handing out more sheets of paper. 2 hours later final designs have been drawn up and have been sent to the makers.

"Arielle you know what this means?" My half manager half Bestfriend Danny came up to me. Danny was gay and camp. Very gay and very camp and I think that's why I love him so much

"What does this mean? And do you want a McDonald's?" I asked getting stressed about everything. When I get stressed I get word vomit. I just don't stop speaking

"McDonalds yes. And it means that you have a launch party. You can have a red carpet and a walk way show of you items!" He clapped

"I love you thinking!" I clapped jumping into my car.

"Who's this?" He asked "is this Jack?" He asked looking at my lockscreen. It was a picture of me and Jack the night Alfie got beat up. It was cute. Our tongues were sticking out facing eachother. I laughed looking at the picture

"Damn girl he's gorgeous!" Danny then added. I just laughed again.

"He's pissing me off at the moment" I huffed


"When we are good we are really good for like a week or two but then all of a sudden we won't flirt as much or cuddle as much or fuck as much"

"I could of done without knowing the last bit" he laughed

"So then yesterday I get home after food shopping and then Lydia and Lucy are over. Filming a video with Jack and Conor"

"I would stab him or her" He said casually. I just laughed pulling into a parking space outside McDonalds. We got out and ordered out food.

"Let's eat in here" he said sliding into a booth.

"I want a puppy" I huffed looking at the dog shop over the road

"Then get one oh my god!" Danny clapped.

"You think I should?" I said very persuaded

"Yes!" He said. I smiled and finished my food

"Okay I will just have a quick look" I said running across the road and walking into the shop.

"Please look around" the woman said

Jacks POV

We were all sat on the sofas planning on what we are going to do tonight

"So we are going out?" Zoe asked for the 100th time

"Yeah. We are waiting for Arielle" Caspar replied with. Whenever someone said Arielle's name my heart kinda did that thing where it felt like it was skipping a beat kinda thing. I heard the door unlock

"Okay Joe so erm please don't kill me" Arielle said

"What the fuck have you done?" Joe said concerned.

"Well erm basically I was in McDonalds with Danny and I was like oh yeah I want a puppy and then he was like why don't you get one and then I said to myself in the dog place yeah I'll only have a look but then"

"You bought a dog didn't you" he stood up.

"I couldn't help it" she said opening the door fully walking in and then closing it behind her. This revealed a tiny little husky puppy who's tail was wagging at 300 miles per hour. It attempted it bark

"I am so sorry. I promise to walk him and he can sleep on my bed and I will pick up his poops" she said picking him up "but look how cute he his" she said a scrating his head and talking in a baby voice. The puppy licked all over her face.

"What's his name?" Zoe asked

"Bentley" she said smiling like an idiot

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