I eat McDonald's way too much

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Joe's POV

"It's your birthday!" I shouted jumping on Arielle's bed. For once I was up earlier then her. Her room was messy. Papers everywhere full of different designs of clothes. Magazines also everywhere. However all of he's clothes were neatly hug up in colour order.

"Joe fuck off" she groaned. She was clearly tired. But in fairness she was up until like 3 sorting out all her videos and stuff.

"Get up. I got this mad present for you" I said still vlogging. She threw a breath mint in her mouth and picked up her camera. She turned it on and started to vlog

"Okay close your eyes" I said to her. I walked behind the kitchen counter and pulled out some bags and placed them infront of her.

"Okay open!" I said to her. Her eyes widened as she realised what I got her. Bags of Gucci, Michael Kors and Prada filled the room

"Well I know how much you like designer stuff" I smiled to her

"What Joe this must of cost a fortune!" She replied with crouching down and grabbing out the stuffing from each bag. I got her some guicci perfume. A Michael Kors bag and some Prada shoes.

"Aw bless I love you" she smiled giving me a hug bear hug.

"Yeah well Bentley chose the shoes. I mean o didn't like them at first but she really did persuade me" I then joked as Bentley attempted to bark as he still could properly do it yet.

"Aw well you made a good decision boy" she said in one of those voices you talk to dogs in as Bentley licked all across her face.

"Okay I'm going to run out and get you a McDonalds breakfast. Sausage and egg Mcmuffin right and 2 hash browns. What drink?" I asked

"Erm a mocha please. With 2 sugars extra" she smiled. "Thanks Joe" she smiled again as I left the house and started to walk to McDonalds. All I have is my old vlogging camera as Jack has decided he wasn't to use everyone's cameras to film Arielle's reaction for his main channel video. I ordered all our stuff and then walked back.

"I'm back!" I shouted up to Arielle who jogged down the stairs along with Bentley.

"Thank you" she smiled as I handed her a bag full of her food. We connected the laptop to the tv and ate breakfast whilst catching up on everyone's videos.

"I eat McDonald's way too much" Arielle laughed as she wiped her hands on her bare legs. "But it's sooooo good" she added finishing her mouthful of food and scrunching up the bag. She stood up and burped "fuck sorry" she then laughed. I just laughed and threw her my rubbish which she put in the bin.

"Are you not coming out for dinner tonight?" She frowned

"No I've got to edit tonight's video" I lied but I thought my acting was pretty good to be honest. She gave me a sad face which I shrugged my shoulders at. "Sorry boo" I then replied with.

Arielle's POV

After uploading my video about Bentley I walked into my bathroom and ran myself a bath instead of getting in the shower as I thought 'hey it's your birthday why not treat yourself'. I put a lush bath bomb into the bath and also a bit of bubble bath. I walked back into my room whilst it filled up

"So now Zoe is taking me out for a proper posh dinner tonight which as you know I do actually like doing once in a while so I'm about to have a bath and then I'm going to top up my fake tan. And finally get ready which if you know me is going to take a while" I laughed. "I bought this dress for tonight and I am in love with it" I said walking over to my wardrobe where I have kept the dress for the last couple of days. I opened the door and then pulled out the dress which had the see through wrapping over it. "So as you can see it's just all black and it's a v neck which dips down quite low. You can't really see it that much until I put it on it is a mermaid dress and it has a short train at the back. And now Joseph has bought me some lovely shoes I think I am going to wear them tonight" I smiled to the camera "so I'm going to just hop in the bath and I will get back to you" I smiled and then turned off the camera. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I got into the bath and soaked myself

"Okay hi guys!" I said to my main channel camera. "You guys really liked my video of me getting ready for Joe and Caspars premiere so tonight I am going out for a very fancy dinner for my birthday so I thought I would do the same thing and do a tutorial for this is well" I smiled to the camera. First I dried my hair and brushed it through so it went straight. I then put it up into a bun and left some bits hanging down which I curled. I put on a matte red lipstick and then put on some silver glittery eyeshadow. I did my usual cat flick eyeliner and my strong contour. I wiped of any excess make up from my black nose ring. I put in some long black earnings and the shoes that Joe got me. I looked at the time and it was half 8 this gave me half an hour just do do little bits and bobs. I walked down the stairs to go find Joe but she left a note on the counter

I've just gone out to get a wagamamas see you later X

I huffed to myself and sat down on the counter and opened my laptop. This created a weirdly good selfie lighting. I took a couple of selfies for snapchat

From: zoella 2017362819313

I'm outside darling X

I gave Bentley a treat and then walked outside and into the car which had blacked out windows

"So where are we going?" I asked Zoe

"Oh see that's a surprise" she smiled

"Wow" I huffed. Not that I don't like surprises it's just I don't like knowing what's going on.

"Okay I was going to give you a blindfold but I don't want to ruin your make up so just close your eyes" she half laughed. I closed my eyes as she led me out of the car and to wherever we were going.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I said. Everything seemed weirdly quite for a restaurant.

"Yes!" Zoe shouted as I opened my eyes everyone was there dressed up all fancy. We were in a ballroom kinda place. A massive chandelier and a live band. Almost something like the Titanic or something like that.

"What did you do this?" I asked Zoe a bit in shock.

"Nope" she smiled

"But then who did?" I half laughed.

"Me" someone said walking out of the crowd.

Mr. Jack Maynard

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