You Just Can't Like Them

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Zoe's POV

Tomorrow we have the New Years party and well I have nothing to wear.

"Let's go shopping" Arielle ran down the stairs "I have no clothes" she said dead serious even though she has too use the wardrobe in the spare room is well. "Joe and Jack said they will babysit" she added, opening the fridge and throwing a water bottle in her bag. I thanked Joe and Jack and then put on my converse and grabbed my coat of the side of the sofa and ran out of the door, jumping into Arielle's car.

"So what are you thinking of wearing?" She asked me suddenly decided she was going to take a de-tour through McDonalds drive thru.

"Literally I have no idea" I laughed to myself

"I'm sure we will find something" she replied back with and then moving to the next station in the drive thru and waiting for the woman to give us are order.

"So what are you going to do about Alfie" she finally said after munching her way through a whole chicken nugget meal and now moving onto a chicken mayo burger.

"I don't even know" I huffed. "I guess he's got to do something pretty big to make this up"

"Well he did buy you a house before so?" She said laughing. This also made me laugh but made me think about things. No matter how much someone spends on you, sometimes you just can't like them.

"Anyway what about you and Jack? thinks seem to me going well?" I asked her.

"Yeah things seem to be good. Just how it was when we first started doing things I guess, i just don't want to let me guard down again" she huffed whilst she rolled her window down and pressing the button for a car park ticket. She placed the ticket in between her mouth, making a nude colour lipstick stain around the side. I also understood what she mean about letting her guard down. She doesn't put it down often, she does act like she is all bug and not scared of anyone. But the person she is scared of the most is herself. She is scared of hurting herself. Even though someone else will hurt her, she will blame herself.

"Right okay so Alfie is going to be there so you have to look hella peng" she laughed already pulling out 3 dresses and handed them to me. I didn't really understand all her slang words that her and some of the guys would use but you could kinda tell what she meant by the tone of her voice.

"Okay go try them on" she clapped and ushered me into the changing room "I'll wait right here" she added and then pushed the curtain to the other side. I huffed and tried on many different dresses that she handed to me. The first one looked shocking and the second one was way to short. The third one just didn't suit my figure and the fourth ones colour just looked hideous.

"Trust me just try this last one" Arielle begged.

"Fine" I huffed and took the black dress from her hand. I shuffled around in he changing room for a bit trying to get it on without my make up touching it or breaking it.

"Let me see" Ari said after she heard all the shuffling around finish. I pulled the curtain back and showed her.

"This is the one!" She clapped.

"It's not very me though" I contemplated

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"It's not very me though" I contemplated.

"And what? Alfie is going to drool over you" she said playing around with the dress adjusting certain areas. "And don't worry I can alter around the legs for you" she added realising that the dress went slightly baggy around my legs.

"So what are you gonna wear?" I asked her as we stood in the line waiting to pay.

"Oh I've already got a dress. I just wanted to you go out and get something new because I knew you would of wore someone that old Zoe would wear. But boom now you are new Zoe and Alfie is gonna want you back in a flash" she laughed

"You're a bitch" I laughed. The plan was clever though.

Arielle's POV

"We made it home bitches!" I shouted and threw my car keys on the grey island top. "What's the time?" I asked Joe who was eating a microwave meal still in the black plastic container.

"Erm it's just gone 6" he smiled

"Ah okay, where's Jack?" I then asked

"He's gone home but he said he will sort out the Ubers for tonight" he then added. Tonight was going to be a hard night to get any kind of taxi let alone an Uber. I grabbed a pack of crisps from the side and an apple deciding that, that would be my dinner for the night. I walked over to Zoe and baby Sophia and tickled her belly. Children are weird. I could never really imagine me having one as I am way too career driven but also I think having little children would be cute. Maybe just not at this age. Wait no defiantly not at this age.

I walked up stairs and into my room closing the door behind me and opening my wardrobe. I had a look through everything I have got as every now and then I just do one massive shop and just order everything I even like the little bit of.

"So snapchat I'm gonna let you guys decided tonight. So I have picked 2 dresses that I like and you guys can choose between them both" I quickly said in the 10 seconds that I had and showed the 2 dresses that I picked out. I then wrote as the caption Snapchat is public so vote quick X and then posted it. Quickly the votes flooded in and it seemed people like the second one more than the first one. I made my snapchat private again so only people like Zoe and Jack can send my stuff and then placed the other dress back into my neatly colour ordered wardrobe.

Number 2 it is! I wrote as the caption on my picture and then uploaded the picture to my story

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Number 2 it is! I wrote as the caption on my picture and then uploaded the picture to my story. I grabbed my blue spotty dressing gown from my bed and threw it over the top of my dress. I sat down on my dressing table and began to do my make up. I decided on a matte pink lip and matching eye shadow. I then did everything else as I usually did it. Cat flick eyeliner and strong contour. I sprayed some beach salt into my hair to make it more wavy then it already is.

The fans loved my new blonde hair which in a way made me love it even more. I took a couple of selfie and some standing in the mirror so you can see my full dress. I then got my gold clutch bag and put my phone, a pack of fags and a lighter inside and slipped on a pair of white heels which made me a normal height.

"You will never guess who is going to this party?" Zoe rushed into my room

"Who?" I said not knowing whether to be nervous or excited

"Lydia and Lucy"

Just as things were starting to go good.

Sorry for not updating in soooooo long. But now school is just about to finish I should be updating more regularly. Lots of love X

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