Can't keep my hands to myself

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Joe's POV

I was awake and editing my vlog from last night making sure nothing to revealing was in it. It was already 11 and only me, Caspar, Oli and Zoe was up.

"Morning" Jack groaned rubbing his eyes and walking in. Sitting on the chair next to me.

"You alright?" I laughed

"Enjoy your little kiss last night?" Zoe asked. Everyone laughed

"Don't even" he replied back.

"To be fair it didn't look that bad" I laughed

"Shut up you got to kiss Ari" he snapped back

"To be fair again I was actually going to dare you to kiss her" I laughed again.

"Could of said it a bit quicker then" he laughed. "Is it true you and Arielle get off all the time though?" He then asked. I nodded yes whilst biting into my toast.

"All of the time is a bit extreme but yeah we've got off before" I replied with "no feelings attached I guess" I added. "But you know how I know your different from others" I started "she's waiting. she says it's too tease you or whatever but in reality she wants you too prove yourself in a way. So she knows that she can trust you" I finished. Arielle's very rough and tough you could say. When she was 14 both her parents died in a car accident and for some reason she has always blamed herself. So I guess she just doesn't want to be that hurt again so she does this whole no feelings shit. But she does have feelings somewhere.

After a couple of hours everyone was awake. And sat around the tv watching some Geordie shore.

"I want McDonalds" Arielle stood up "I'm gonna go McDonalds" she then added. She was wearing some leggings now and Jacks hoodie.

"You want some company?" Jack asked. She nodded lifting up a pillow and finding her car keys.

"I'll get get the usual?" She said more as a question as we all agreed. Lydia and Lucy said they didn't want anything as they were just about to leave. Therefore Arielle and Jack both hugged them bye as they wouldn't see them again. Arielle smiled at Zoe and then walked out with Jack. I almost forgot what happened last night with Alfie and that guy and then Alfie with Zoe until I looked over to Alfie who was in his own little world. Things were already getting fucked up.

"Does anyone know what's happening today?" Caspar asked.

"Me and Arielle have to go to the agent about the house but that won't take that long" I said

"We should go bowling or something" Caspar suggested

"Yes I love bowling!" Zoe said a smile immediately coming on her face

"Bowling it is"

Jacks POV

"The nearest drive thru is long to get to so should we just go to the nearest one and park?" She said as we got into the car. It must have rained last night as there were puddles all in the road.

"Fine by me" I said putting my seatbelt on and pulling down the sun blocker thing. I pulled open the flap and looking into the small mirror. I pushed my hand through my hair a couple of times trying to form a half decent quiff. I adjusted my nose ring so it was the right way around and then running my hands on my face to try and make me feel more awake. I looked over to Arielle who was concentrating on the road. She had no make up on and her long hair up in a bun with a pair in sunglasses in them. We got to a red light she lit a cigarette, pulled down the window slightly and turned on the radio. She started to sing along to Selena Gomez

"Can't keep my hands to myself" she sung. I pulled my phone out and started to film her on Snapchat.

"Fuck sake" she said at the end realising i was filming her

"You look cute" I said back posting it on my story

"You put it on your story didn't you" she then said. I laughed "asshole"

After 10 minutes of driving we found a parking space and walked into McDonalds. And stood in the queue. A family and an old man were In Front of us so it didn't take long for us to get to the front

Arielle's POV

"Is that all?" The worker said

"Yes please" I said rummaging through my bag finding my bank card

"I got you don't worry" Jack said getting out his wallet

"Don't be so stupid" I replied with finding my Michael Kors purse.

"Too late" he said putting his card in the machine and typing his PIN number in

"Oh for fuck sake. You shouldn't of" I said. I thanked him and he took the drinks and I picked up the food

"Sorry miss. Your keys" the woman said to me behind the counter

"Your a life saver" I replied back picking them up

"Oh and by the way. Your boyfriend" she looked over at Jack "he's a keeper"

"I know"

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