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Zoe's POV

"I'm so proud of you!" I hugged Ari as we were in the car on the way to the club.

"Thank you my gorgeous" she replied back with. Apart from the whole incident with Lydia the whole catwalk was a success. All the reporters would come up to Arielle saying what a success it was and all this so I'm hoping she is really proud of herself too.

"Oh Joe we're finally going to meet your bird" Oli half laughed

"Shit yeah what's her name?" Arielle asked him

"Amy" he said kinda shyly but also proudly. Arielle nodded in response.

"Show me her Instagram" Jack said to Joe and he pulled out his phone and searched her up. He handed Jack his phone, Arielle's head resting on jacks shoulder looking a Joe's phone. Her eyes widened

"wow erm she's very erm well open" she said trying not to offend Joe. Jack was trying to hold in his laugh as he handed him back his phone.

"Yeah you could say that" Joe replied back with, almost embarrassed.

"Your destination" the driver announced as he unlocked the doors for us all to jump out. We got out and walked into the club which had been specially hired out for us. As Arielle was with us we didn't have to wait in the queue so we walked straight in.

"Oh guys this is Amy" he smiled to us wrapping his arm around this girl with long hair but a short ish body. She had a very short pink dress on which contrasted with her bright orange skin colour. Her long blonde hair looked so fake as you could clearly see the difference between her real hair and her extensions. Her eyelashes were long and clumpy and she had the same bright pink colour on her lips.

"He cannot be serious" Arielle whispered to Jack which me and Alfie heard which made us burst out in laughter.

"Yeah sorry. Nice to meet you" Jack spoke up shaking her hand.

"Thanks!" She said over enthusiastically and in a very over the top Essex accent which again caused us all to laugh. She had a Louis Vuitton bag and what looked like an expensive pair of shoes.

"Oh so what's your job?" Arielle asked obviously noticing the expensive accessories.

"Oh no I'm unemployed" she said as if she was proud of that.

"Fucking hell please someone tell me what benefits she's on because sign me up" Ari then whispered to us all. "I'm going to get some drinks. What would you like?" Ari then asked her.

"I've got one thanks" she smiled a little less enthusiastically probably realising our reaction. Ari smiled as I walked off with her leaving the guys with her and Joe.

"Joe cannot be serious can he?" I said to her as we waiting for the drinks to be made

"I actually don't know. He never really pranks us like this though. He only even pranks Caspar and Caspar doesn't seem to be that involved you know" she replied back with as the bar man bout hand the drinks on the tray.

"Yeah that's true I guess" I half smiled back and then carried the tray over to the booth where everyone was sitting.

"Where did they go?" Ari asked talking about Joe and Amy

"She like dragged him off somewhere. I think to dance or something" Caspar said. I just now she's bad news already. After taking millions of pictures as Arielle had hired some professional photographers to come and take pictures of everyone and way to many drinks. Everyone stumbled into a car and was on our way back to Arielle's and Joe's house.

Joe's POV

We all arrived back at me and Ari's place. Everyone slumped down onto the sofas whilst Arielle and Oli heated up some pizza from like 4 days ago. Healthy I know.

"We should actually start going to the gym" Arielle laughed to me as she sat down next

"Joe's actual goes to the gym with me" Amy said.

"Oh really" Ari faked smiled "sounds fun" she added looking me in the eye. Whoops.

"I'm just going to pop to the loo" Amy then said standing up

"Oh okay it's just round the corner on the left" Arielle smiled. Trying to be friendly I guess but I know that she really doesn't like her already.

"Yeah I know I've been here before" Amy said skipping to the toilet.

"Course you fucking have" Ari rolled her eyes but she said it quite enough so Amy wouldn't hear. Amy kinda made me isolated from the group as she would just be all over me the whole time. Playing with my hair and kissing down my neck.

"I might start a YouTube Channel" Amy said going back to her over enthusiastic self. By now  it was like half 4 in the morning so only Amy, Arielle, Jack Myself and Caspar are awake.

"Sounds interesting" Ari replied with uninterested. She was half falling asleep.

"You would help anyway wouldn't you Joe" She smiled to me.

"Of course" I smiled back lightly poking her nose. Arielle looked up to Jack and gave him a look. I don't understand why everyone's not liking her as much as I like her.


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