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Jacks POV

I somehow arrived at the premiere first with Conor. We stood infront of the sign with Joe and Caspar on it with them in a van and then the paparazzi took photos of us. Weird how people who put videos on the internet are becoming people like this. Getting a red carpet in London.

"Okay guys go mingle with the fans and answer any interviewers" a woman with a clipboard came up to us. We smiled at the woman and then walked off in separate directions. Joe and Caspar then arrived which caused a big cheer. Lots of cameras started to flash for them. Crazy. Zoe and Alfie then arrived. Everyone was shouting "aws" and stuff like that as Alfie kissed Zoe's forehead

"Cringe" I joked to a fan. She laughed and then we took a selfie. Meanwhile Oli arrived.

"Hi Jack?" A woman with a microphone shouted

"Yes, hey" I walked over to her. The interview was pretty basic. Simple interview questions.

"So the fans have been noticing that you and another YouTuber Arielle Rogers have been getting pretty close?" She started. I smiled thinking about her. "Is there anything you would like to announce?" She ushered me into speaking but before I could say anything a louder scream then when Joe and Caspar arrived erupted in the crowd and cameras started to flash like crazy.

"Arielle Rogers everyone" the voice over man announced. I looked over to her as a man helped her get out of the car. She smiled and said thank you to the man. She closed the car door and the car drove off. The cameras went crazy for her. As if she was a celebrity.

"Sorry erm Jack?" The woman said

"Yeah sorry erm Arielle. She's erm special" I said trying not to give away any information but again not offending Ari if she heard it.

"Jack!" I heard Arielle shout. I turned around. She waved her hand telling me to come over.

"What are you doing?" I laughed

"I can't be the only one that has to do this by myself" she laughed. She then lit a cigarette.

"We are outside. It's okay" she then said holding out the fag offering me a pull of it. I accepted and took a couple of pulls handing it back to her. The whole time cameras flashing.

"What if they ask about us?" I asked her walking off to the side with her

"What do you want to say?" She said finishing her cigarette and putting it out. She threw it on the floor and lit another one. "Honestly?" She then said.

"I don't know" I huffed.

"We will just tell them the truth then. If they ask what's going on with you two then we just tell them. Yeah we kiss yeah we sleep together but are we girlfriend and boyfriend no" she then said "simple" she added. She really didn't care right now.

"You look nice by the way" she smiled feeling the material of my blazer. She finished her other cigarette and put it out on the ground. "Tonight's going to be a good night. Remember that" she winked and then walked off to go speak to fans. How can one girl drive me so crazy. I laughed to myself and carried on mingling with the fans.

Zoe's POV

"Hey sexy" I said to Arielle hugging her

"Hi good looking" she winked back hugging me.

"This is crazy right?" She said looking around. Alfie was talking with Marcus and these interviewers. Jack was chatting with some fans whilst Caspar and Joe were doing a funny dance in the middle of the floor. She was right though. This was crazy a bunch of people who post stupid videos of themselves on the internet are here having a red carpet for a film. And there was little old me. Standing on the red carpet pregnant and my boyfriend doesn't even know it.

"Zoe, Arielle. An interview please" a man shouted. We both smiled and walked over to the man. He asked us fairly easy questions

"Zoe how proud of Joe are you?"

"Yeah crazyily proud of him! I don't think he actually realises how big this is" I laughed

"Arielle. You are a very hot topic lately"

"What do you mean by that?" She said kinda worried

"Well your Victoria's Secret incident, well would you like to explain?"

"Just I got offered a job. Which is honestly great but I guess it was just the wrong time" she smiled

"And may I ask. You and Jack Maynard? Anything going on there?"

"Yeah we flirt, yeah we kiss, yeah we cuddle. We're young that's it really nothing else, nothing more" she said. I wish I was as brave as Arielle. Joe was right earlier. She really doesn't care.

"What else can we expect form Youtubers?"

"Global domination!" I joked to the man as Arielle laughed.

"Okay can everyone please enter the cinema" the voice over man announced. We said thank you to the interviewer and then walked into the cinema. Alfie took my hand as Arielle ran ahead to walk with Oli.

"You okay?" He asked me taking me hand.

"Yeaaah" I longed out. Smiling up to him. It's weird how one thing can change everything. Like me having this child now gives me a connection to Alfie forever. Which I mean I don't mind I guess. But then it hit me.

What if I don't have the baby

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