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Arielle's POV

I fixed my make up and got changed into a tight red dress with quarter length sleeves.i packed my bag with everything I might need and all the tickets. I checked again that I had the tickets. I picked up my leather jacket and looped it under my bag incase I got cold later on.

"Is this okay?" Jack asked. He walked out wearing a black pullover hoodie which he had to buy again as I refused to give him it back. He then had a pair of jeans on and a black pair of Huaraches. He paired it with a black baseball cap and his infamous khaki jacket.

"Perfect" I smiled checking my teeth for any lipstick which could of rubbed on them. I push some of my hair over my shoulders which I straightened.

"Ready?" Jack asked. I nodded as he grabbed the room key but then giving it to me knowing that he would loose it. I nodded and he closed the door behind us. I walked a bit ahead of him because he was taking ages and I was getting annoyed.

"Dayum gurllll!" I heard Jack say. I turned around and he had his phone out filming me for his snapchat or something stupid.

"Your an ass" I said back automatically embarrassed. I covered my face and the turned around so the camera couldn't see my face anymore. I pulled out my phone and check snapchat.

"Of course you would put it up" I rolled my eyes as he caught up with me. We walked to the hotel lobby and met everyone. We called for two cabs and we all sorted ourselves out. Me, Jack, Caspar and Oli all jumped into one and everyone else squeezed into another one. We told the man which show we were going to and he smiled and started to drive.

"Excuse me ma'am" the driver said after 10 minutes of driving.

"Yes" I said tipping my head more forward so I could hear him more clear.

"Sorry about this but are you Arielle Rogers?" He said then in his strong New York accent.

"Yes I am, how'd you know?" I laughed.

"Wow my daughter is in love with you wow" he half laughed out of disbelief.

"No way, what's her name?" I asked. This was so cool.

"Casey" he smiled "Casey Anderson"

"Let me call her. Well I mean if you don't mind" I said having to re think the last sentence.

"You sure ma'am?"

"Of course!" I laughed. He found her number and pressed the call button.

"Hey dad" the voice spoke

"It's not your dad" I half giggled

"Well erm who is it?" She then said a bit worried

"Well your dad said that you like a certain YouTuber?"

"No way!"

"Yes way!" I laughed. "So how are you sweetie?" I asked her sitting back comfortably on the seat. She then blabbered on to me for the whole amount of the journey.

"Well it was nice to speak to you!" I said then saying goodbye to her and handing the phone back to the driver. I gave him a 50 dollar bill.

"treat yourself" I smiled jumped out of the taxi and meeting Zoe, Alfie, Conor and Josh.

"Thank you ma'am" the driver waved but then immediately got occupied by a new customer. We walked into the auditorium and showed the woman at the counter our tickets. She scanned all of them and smiled. She pointed her hand too a man. "He will show you your seats" she smiled. Alfie walked ahead of all of us asking the man about our seats. He pointed to some seats a couple rows back. Zoe sat on the isle seat incase she felt uncomfortable. Alfie sat next to her for support. Conor sat next to him and then Josh. I sat down next to Josh and Jack sat down after me followed by Caspar.

"I'm so excited" Josh said clapping

"Your such a girl" Jack laughed as the lights dimmed

Joe's POV

I stood infront of the mirror. I did up my top button and did my tie, tightening it at the top. I run my hands through my hair a couple of times and sprayed myself with an aftershave which Arielle got me just because she liked it and then when she stole my clothes they would smell nice. I laughed to myself thinking of that day. I threw the aftershave on my desk, but light enough so I knew it wouldn't break. I sat down on my bed and pulled my phone out from the charger cable. I sniffed a bit as the house was cold as I didn't know how to work the heating. And I obviously couldn't call Ari. I unlocked my phone and went onto snapchat looking at everyone's stories of them all in the helicopter. Zoe was so scared she was cry laughing. Alfie was laughing a Zoe being so scared that she was cry laughing. Jack and Arielle were laughing at Oli's impression of fetty wap or something like that. Conor was filming a snapchat of him singing New York by Alisha Keys. Caspar was pretending to be Zoe whilst Josh pretended to be Alfie. They were all laughing together. Whilst I was sitting in a cold bedroom alone and not laughing.

"You ready babe?" Amy strutted in. "What you looking at?" She asked sitting on my bed rubbing my shoulders.

"Oh nothing" I smiled quickly taping of snapchat "let's go" I smiled taking her hand and getting into the cab which was outside.

"I'm so happy your here" she smiled as we got into the restaurant. She took a big gulp of her red wine

"Yeah me too"

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