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Arielle's POV

"Okay so we are now at day 4 of Dubai"  I said counting the number of days in my head "and if you have watched my New York vlogs then you would of known that when we were then we went on a helicopter tour around there so I thought why not do the same in Dubai?" I spoke to the camera as if it were a person. "And today I am wearing some floral print trousers which are very thin from BooHoo and then I am wearing this simple vest from Primark and then I have this simple pink scarf to cover up my shoulders and chest area because well that's what you have to do out here"I laughed and flipped the camera over to show myself in the full length mirror. I then rambled to the camera for a good 10 minutes

"Oi Arielle we are leaving!" I heard Caspar shout

"Okay that's me gone" I joked to the camera and then turned it off. I walked out to the hall and put on my converse.

"Finally ready?" Alfie asked

"Yep" I smiled and laughed and walked out of the apartment. We strolled around in the burning heat for a while trying to find cabs for us.

"I'm going to die" Conor exaggerated pretending to die from the heat.

"Grow up" Zoe scowled. She gets very moody during this whole pregnancy thing so none of us took it too personally. We found some cabs and told them to take us to the place where does the helicopter rides. Alfie paid for the cab and we walked into the building.

"Okay guys I have to admit something" I said once everyone was calmer

"What?"Oli said back

"Okay so I have booked the helicopter tour but" i started

"But what?" Caspar said

"On the side I've booked a skydive experience" I clapped

"You can't be serious?" Oli's jaw dropped

"Stop being such a baby" Joe whined

"Exactly, what's the worse that could happen?" I shrugged

"Erm maybe we could die?" Jack replied back with

"You guys are so boring" I rolled my eyes. I mean I couldn't blame Zoe because she physically couldn't do it but everyone else was such babies. After a while of convincing only Me, Joe, Caspar and Alfie agreed to do it.

"Jack why not" I moaned as we put on these blue suits on top of our outfits.

"Because I can't risk this beauty" he joked.

"Are you scared?" I joked

"Shut up" he rolled his eyes

"So that's a yes" I laughed. The instructor called me Joe Caspar and Alfie to go into one helicopter whilst everyone else went into another one.

"See you later losers" I waved to them

Zoe's POV

"He's guys! We are back in England and I am going to start daily vlogging again!" I smiled. I spoke to the camera narrating everything that I was doing. After I made my breakfast and ate it whilst watching everyone's vlogs from last night I walked up into my room and pack a bag as Ari insisted that I stayed at her and Joe's house nearer the due date because she didn't want to miss it. I pulled out a black weekend back from the drawers which were under the bed and then threw in different types of clothes, underwear and stuff like that and zipped it up.

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