Its long

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Jacks POV

"That was so good!" Oli said jumping up once we got out of the helicopter.

"That was not okay" Zoe laughed. She was scared the whole way of the journey but somehow enjoyed it I guess. We walked into a coffee shop and all grabbed a sandwich or something for lunch.

"What are you getting gorgeous?" Arielle asked me pulled out her camera and holding it up to my face.

"I'm thinking the BLT" I said pretending to stroke my beard which didn't exist. "What about you?"'I asked to be polite.

"I'm getting a cream cheese and smoked salmon bagel" she smiled holding up her bagel. It was literally the size of her head you know American portions being big and everything.

"I'm getting this" I then insisted as Arielle get out wallet to pay. Arielle frowned but let me pay without an argument for once. We all walked back to the hotel and ate our lunch in me and Arielle's room. Arielle opened her laptop and played one of her Spotify playlists whilst we all ate and gossiped

"Oh my god look at Joe's Instagram" Oli said. I pulled out my phone and went on to Instagram. I typed in Joe's name and went on to his page. It was a picture of him and Amy. Joe was dressed all nice in a suit and tie whilst Amy was wearing well basically nothing. A little bright pink boob tube and a short white skirt. She had a pair of killer heels on which were also bright pink.

1 month dinner with the gorgeous girlfriend. Forever loving her. Thanks for hooking me up at Alain Ducasse!

"Whys Alain Ducasse?" Conor asked

"It's a posh restaurant up in Mayfair" Arielle replied with. So concentrated on her work to even be pissed of.

"I went there with Joe for my birthday last year" she then added. That's a bit awkward I thought.

"What is she wearing? And look at her make up!" Zoe said as everyone was passing my phone around. Her make up was seriously bad. Even I knew that for someone who knows absolutely nothing about make up. She was bright orange with pink cheeks. Her eyes just seen a like a black blob of mess with her hair dead straight but you could clearly see the clips to her hair extensions.

"Let me post a picture of all of us and see if Joe's sees it" Arielle then said and went through her phone looking for a decent picture. She then came across a picture of all of us at the airport in London last night all half asleep as it was just gone 2 am

Everyone I would of wanted coming to New York fashion week too see my collection been shown. Forever loving them.

She put the last bit just too piss of Joe I'm guessing. Comments quickly flooded in.

Why didn't Joe come?

Joe's girlfriend is definitely controlling him

Joe would of wanted to go but Amy didn't let him.

Someone explain what's happening


The last comment made me laugh a little not going to lie. I liked the picture and comment 3 red hearts on it because i couldn't really think of anything else

"Okay we should go and get ready. See you in an hour and a half?" Zoe said making the last sentence seem like a question.

"Sounds good" Ari smiled closing her laptop and rubbing her eyes. As everyone left she took of her make up.

"Why are you taking it off to just re do it?" I asked very confused. Make up just doesn't make sense to me.

"Because then it will look better" she replied with emptying her bag make up bag. Just to find a brush. "You wouldn't understand" she joked flipping her hair.

"You know when you had that argument with Joe?" I asked doing up the buttons to my black shirt.

"Yeah?" She said back curling her eyelashes and putting some glue on a false pair.

"You said you know what I was like"


"What did you mean?" I asked her

"It's long"

"We have an hour" I rolled my eyes. "Just tell me"

"Well" she started. "I had this boyfriend when I was about 15. Just after my parents died. And well he was 18. So you know being from West London and all that. He was well not the most classiest person out there. He like introduced me to his gang and well. I got involved in drinking, sex, drugs and all that. And yeah I guess it was fun but it fucked me up. I almost got kicked out of school and I almost couldn't do my GCSES because I couldn't go long enough without some weed or whatever. It just wasn't right. I mean yeah I still drink, smoke and have sex a lot but I don't do crack or whatever. And Joe's one of those people that understood just everything. Why I did it. Why i stopped. Why I loved him"

"What your boyfriend?"


"What happened to him?"

"He overdosed. On heroin. The doctors said if I injected even half a millilitre more I would be dead. That's why I'm this skinny I think. I didn't eat when I did it or afterwards. I just blamed everything on me. My parents death. My boyfriends death. I wanted to be dead" she looked like she was about to break down. "But that's when I got proper into YouTube and school work again and I was just more determined to do anything I guess" a tear fell down her face. I have her a hug as she stood up

"I'm sorry" I whispered in her ear as a cradled her slowly. This was the first time I have ever seen this side too her. I side of her that had feelings for herself for once. I kissed her forehead and her lips as she sat back down and carried on doing her make up.

Joe really did fuck up

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