7 pancakes

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Arielle's POV

For once I actually woke up last.

"Come on baby" Jack dragged me out of bed. Everyone had decided to go downstairs for breakfast.

"Who's idea was this" I groaned putting on some sunglasses but remaining in my dinosaur onesie as honestly right now I could not give a shit.

"Well I thought it would be a good idea" Alfie said already vlogging.

"Well fuck you"

"You've slept for 13 hours" he replied back seriously

"Well that clearly wasn't long enough" I replied back as I looked over to him. "You know i love you" I have him a huge bear hug.

"Yeah yeah" he nodded. We made it too a table and the waiter came over to us

"Hey guys! We have a buffet for breakfast so please help yourself. If there is anything extra you would like them please do ask" the waiter smiled. Everyone in America had perfectly straight and white teeth which I really don't understand how. Everyone then stood up and grabbed a plate each. Me and Caspar walked straight over to the pancakes avoiding all of the healthy stuff like the granola and shit like that. I picked up 3 thick pancakes whilst Caspar picked up like 7

"I'm hungry" he said holding up his other hand which wasn't holding the plate

"I guessed" I laughed. I mean I eat but come on 7 pancakes no way. I put some whipped cream, honey, and some chocolate chips on top on the pancakes and walked back to the table putting my plate down and getting a glass

"Because you love me" Jack fluttered his eyelashes.

"What do you want" I rolled my eye taking his glass

"Orange juice" he smiled blowing me a kiss as I walked off and poured orange juice in both of the glasses. I then walked back over and everyone ate.

"So what time is the helicopter ride?" Zoe asked

"I booked it for half 12 so then afterwards we can get some lunch then chill, the shows at half 8" I smiled back checking my phone for the times.

"Honestly Ari. You didn't have to do all of this" Caspar insisted. "This all must of cost so much"

"What's the point of having money if your not going to spend it!" I laughed. "Guys we are in New York. Think about it"

"Yeah that's true" Oli said

"And trust me you guys wouldn't be here if I didn't like you" I smiled. I made eye contact with Josh and have him a warm smile. I feel bad for Josh as Conor and Jack kind of leave him out sometimes as they are brothers and stuff. And I hate seeing people feel left out.

Me and Jack went back up to our room.

"We have so long to get ready" he fell onto the bed

"More like not long enough" I looked over to the clock. Still in my onesie. We had 2 hours. 

"Well maybe we should do something else" he smirked wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

"Jack I need to get ready" I moaned but hardly resisting once he started kissing down my neck.

This time me an Jack had sex it felt different. As if we weren't actually just fucking for once. We were 'making love' as they say. Cringe but somewhat true.

"Okay now let me get ready" I said breathing heavily.

"Naaaa" he said gripping my waist tighter pulling me into a spoon.

"Jack please" I laughed and somehow managed to wiggle out of his arms. I threw on a black t shirt and tucked that into a pair of black disco pants. I sat down at the desk type thing and did my make up. I finished with some red lipstick. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and put on some black Chelsea boots with a large chunky heel. I sprayed myself a couple of times with my Vera Wang perfume. I threw on quite an old fashioned camel colour jacket which had the 4 buttons in a square on it which I never understood how they worked. I put everything that I needed into my bag and I was ready.

"So New York day 1!" I smiled to my camera "me and Jack have finished getting ready so we are going to go meet everyone and we are going on a helicopter tour of the city and then tonight we are going to get some food and then we are going to watch Jersey Boys" I said informing them. "So let's go!"

Alfies POV

I pulled over my pointlessblog hoodie and a pair of black jeans which had shrunk a little in the wash

"Are you sure you can't tell?" I asked Zoe for the 100th time.

"Alfie they look fine now let's go" she insisted. I grabbed my phone and wallet and closed the door behind me. W meet everyone at the lobby and jumped into 2 separate taxis. We arrived at this tall building. Arielle spoke to the man who was at the reception. He told her to go to the top floor and we would find a man there.

"Hi you must be Arielle?" A man said. She nodded and introduced all of us.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you guys" he smiled and then told us what was going to happen. We all jumped into the helicopter. I sat down next to Zoe

"Don't be scared" I rubbed her leg. "You will be fine" I smiled reassuring her. The man gave us all a pair of headphones so we could speak to eachother and so the man could tell us what we were looking at.

"Okay so is everyone ready?"

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