YouTube Power Couple

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Jacks POV

After lunch me and the guys decided we would have a little wonder around Westfields. We would walk in every other shop.

"So what do girls like at the moment?" I asked the woman at the perfume shop whilst the guys were looking at aftershaves.

"Well who are you looking for sir?" The eldish woman asked me.

"Oh erm my girlfriend" I smiled. She smiled back and then unlocked the glass cabinet behind the counter. She then sprayed a couple of different scents onto paper sticks and handed them all too me.

"See the first one is more sweet and summery whilst the second one is more of a winter type of scent. Finally the last one is more of like a scent that you might want your other half to have. You could say an alluring scent?" The woman then said as I smelt through them. To me they all smelt exactly the same but I know Arielle is really big on her perfumes and smelling good and all that so I knew she would be able to smell a difference.

"I think I'll take the last one please" I smiled to the woman. She smiled back and took it too the counter. I payed for it and thanked the woman.

"Finally mate" Mikey said taking the piss. I hit him over the head as we began strolling again.

"Oh my god please can we have a picture!!" I couple of girls who seemed pretty chill asked us all. Unlike some of them girls that cry and scream and just make things a tad awkward.

"Yeah of course" Joe said as we all stood in a line as they ask some randomer to take the picture.

"Can you sign my phone please" one of the girls asked me and handed me a sharpie.

"Sure thing" I smiled as she then handed over her phone.

"I'm so happy you and Arielle are back together is well. You are like the new YouTube power couple." one of the other girls said to me.

"Yeah so am I" I blushed back.

"Yeah you can really tell she likes you is well" they replied back with.

"Really?" I laughed

"Yeah she always talks about you in her vlogs and stuff so" they replied back with. Because I am with Arielle basically all the time I never really bother watching her vlogs because well there is just no point.

"We gotta go but thank you all so so so much!" They all said and then began walking off.

"Aw they were cute" Conor said as we then walked off in the opposite direction. We all agreed and just wondered in and out of a couple more shops.

"Are we gonna get the train back?" Mikey then asked as we decided to leave.

"Yeah why not" Joe then said after we all checked that we had our Oyster cards. We walked to the train station and made it to the platform.

"We would of got the train if you didn't have to top up your Oyster card" Conor hit me over the head. I held my hands up in some type of defence. We found out way onto some type of metal bench. Myself and Joe sat down whilst Conor and Mikey stood up infront of us.

"So you and Arielle are proper good at the moment then aren't you" Mikey said.

"Yeah you could say that" I laughed turning a shade of pink.

"I know buying perfume? That's the most romantic thing I've ever seen you done" Conor then laughed.

"Naa I really like her leave it out" I burrowed my eyebrows. I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.

Let's go out for dinner tonight. I'll book it & get dressed up. My treat X

I sent the text and put my phone back into my pocket of my blue jeans. the train finally arrived, we found one of them family seats where there is like 4 of them in a little square. We all sat down there and just had general chit chat.

Arielle's POV

New video up now! Would I lie to you? YouTuber edition. Love this video so please show some support!!❤️

I tweeted the link to my new video which I finally finished editing after ages. I then made a separate blooper video which I would upload in the next couple of days. I never really do much editing to my vlogs so that didn't take that long to do, and I also never keep to an upload time of my vlogs so it just goes up when it's ready.

From: the better Maynard

Let's go out for dinner tonight. I'll book it & get dressed up. My treat X

I smiled to myself liking the effort that he's been putting in lately. I think it's because he saw what happened with Zoe and Alfie and I really think he doesn't want that. I walked into my wardrobe and had a little look around to see what I could wear. The fact that he said to dress up makes me think we are going somewhere other then Nandos or Wagamamas. I finally found a white two piece nearer the back of the wardrobe.

I put my blue spotty dressing gown over the top so then when I did my make up I wouldn't get anything on it

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I put my blue spotty dressing gown over the top so then when I did my make up I wouldn't get anything on it. I curled my hair and then brushed through it with my hands so then they became looser. I then did my make up a pretty neutral look because I just couldn't really be bothered to put that much work into my face. I put on a couple of silver rings and then a pair of white heels which have a pointed toe. I walked down the stairs grabbing my laptop and my silver clutch bag. Bentley followed me down the stairs almost making me fall down them a couple of times.

"Joseph" I said as I sat down on the sofas near Joe.

"Where you going all dressed up like that?" He asked me.

"Me and jack are going out for dinner" I smiled back opening my laptop and half editing a video.

"Wow you two are going to be the next YouTube power couple" Joe then laughed back.

"Zoe and Alfie wouldn't be to happy with that" I then laughed.

A/N hey guys. Thankyou for all your love and support on this book!! I am thinking about starting a new book on another YouTuber so leave a comment saying who you would like it too be about. Love yous all X

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