You've Got Yourself A Keeper

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Jacks POV

"Okay I need you to take a picture for my Instagram" Arielle said to me handing me my camera. She had finally finished getting ready after trying on 15 different outfits about 3 times each. I had spent hours observing her doing her make up and asking her millions of questions like 'why are you putting glittery shit on your cheekbones' and 'why are you sticking sellotape on your face just for eyeliner" and finally 'that position just looks uncomfortable'. She was sitting on a chair in my bedroom and I took a couple of pictures of the dress she was wearing.

"You're shit at this I'm just gonna take it myself" she laughing looking nice through the pictures that I took and then sat down infront of the mirror taking various selfies.

"Okay what's the difference?" I asked her as she uploaded one of her selfies to Instagram

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"Okay what's the difference?" I asked her as she uploaded one of her selfies to Instagram.

"Erm I look skinnier and it's showing off more of my dress see" she said and the grabbing her nude clutch bag to match.

"You ready?" I asked her. She nodded as I grabbed her hand and helped her down the stairs. Anna then begged me to take a picture of her and Arielle so she could show off to all her friends about it. We then all jumped into a cab that Conor ordered for us earlier. After a short drive we arrived at the restaurant. My dad paid for the taxi and then followed us all in. As Mikey was basically part of the family he came is well for dinner so we walked over to him as he was sitting at the table all by himself.

"Hello gorgeous" Conor said to Mikey as he said that Mikey was his date for tonight. Everyone laughed as I untucked Arielle's chair for her. Anna insisted on sitting next to her on the edge and then I sat on the other side of Ari and Conor then next to me. My mum, Dad and Mikey sat down in the booth opposite us. We ordered a couple of bottles of wine to share between us all and then everyone got involved in there own little conversations.

"You know Jack used to be obsessed with your channel like even before he knew you" Anna laughed to Arielle.

"Is that true now?" Ari raised an eyebrow to me. I could feel me face turn a shade of pink.

"Naaa I don't know what she is talking about?" I laughed.

"She's telling the truth" my mum the butted in. I just knew this was going to end in embarrassment.

"So erm what are you thinking of getting? Are we getting starters?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"No no no I wanna hear about this little obsession" Arielle smirked and the faced my mum.

"He always used to hide the fact that he got pissed of whenever you were linked to another guy or whatever and just stuff like that really" my mum replied. Luckily the waiter came never before they could embarrass me even more. Everyone ordered their food and then carried on with the small talk. My mum, Arielle and Anna were having a little girl talk. So I resorted into talking to my Dad, Conor and Mikey.

"Son you've got yourself a keeper there" my dad said to me.

"How do you know?" I asked, pouting myself and Arielle some wine.

"I've never met a girl that makes you go so soppy before" he laughed, which also made Mikey and Conor laugh. "And she is just exactly the same as you, like when me and your Mum saw your first video together when you were just friends we could just tell that you fancied the pants of her. And let's face it she's out up with you and you're shit for the past year, and that's the longest any girl has done before" he laughed. "And the fact you don't give a shit about is taking the piss out of you and you still stay with her. That's real love" he added.

"Yeah and the fact they can have sex when Anna is in the room next door. Definitely real love" Conor said. I kicked him under the table as my dad just laughed. Sometimes my dad just doesn't feel like my dad. More like a best friend.

"Thank you so much for dinner" Arielle hugged my dad as we walked out of the restaurant and into a cab to get back home. As we got home my mum said she would find the board games for us all to play as everyone else got changed.

"Do you think they like me?" Ari asked as she put her hair up into a ponytail and then putting on one of my hoodies that she stole and then some Christmas leggings even though Christmas was 2 months ago.

"I think they love you" I laughed "especially Anna oh my" I added

"Yeah but what about your parents?" She said really worried.

"Both of them really like you is well trust me" I said trying to fix my hair. She smiled and then walked out. I'm so happy that my family like Arielle as much as I do. It's like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders, before Arielle I had this girlfriend and my parents hated her and hey said she wasn't right for me and all of that, and I thought to myself they don't know anything about me and my relationship but in reality parents always know best even before something bad has happened. It's like a sixth sense thing.

I got changed into some tracksuit bottoms and a black t-shirt. I gave up trying to fix my hair so I jut put on a burgundy coloured beanie. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I closed the bedroom door behind me and then jogged down the stairs.

"Okay what game first?" My mum said laying all the games out infront of us.

"Monopoly pleaseeee" Anna clapped. Anna loves monopoly but everyone else hated it because it lasted about 15 hours. However every time we always agreed.

"Okay so let's do it in teams" my mum suggested.

"Shotgun with Anna" Arielle said sticking her tongue out at me and then grabbing onto Anna.

"Oh you have started war" I laughed and rubbed my hands together. I then partnered up with my Dad and Conor with Mum. Throughout the game I have never seen Arielle more happy, which is true. I think she actually really like he whole idea of having a family or whatever because she has never really had one.

"Yay told you we would win!" I stood up and spun around. My dad laughed as I gave him a high five. "Bet you wished you chose me now" I said to Arielle.

"You cheated!" Anna said.

"Don't be jelly" I folded my arms.

"Right I definitely think it's time for bed" my mum laughed and stood up. Everyone agreed that we would go to the beach tomorrow and go to the pier. As I was walking up the stairs j could see my mum talking to Arielle. Arielle smiled and gave her a hug as she then followed me up the stairs and into my room.

"What was that about?" I asked her as she had a big grin across her ace.

"Nothing for you to worry about"

"Tell me?" I frowned as I took my top of and got into bed.

"She was just saying how much she likes me and not to worry about them hating me or whatever" she then smiled as she got changed into an oversized t-shirt.

"I told you"

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