You drive me crazy

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Jacks POV

"Arielle" I started. Everyone was silent and staring and knowing that there was camera around the room scared me even more "you've honestly changed me for the better. You've made me realise that fucking over people honestly isn't even worth it. For a girl that I have known for what 4 5 months you've made such an impact on me it's crazy. We've gone through some weird times. Crazy arguments but you know some good times in the bedroom" I wiggled my eyebrows which made everyone listening laugh "you drive me crazy and honestly I'm obsessed with you and I can't get you out of my head. you said you needed more then an Instagram post so I've done this" I laughed "and so I thought I would take this opportunity to erm well ask you something" I took a deep breath. To be honest I have never really done something like this before

"Arielle Rogers be my girlfriend" I said. It was just me and her and everyone else was stood around us In a circle.

"Jack. Of course" she smiled. I felt relived but yet excited. I wrapped my hands around her waist and leant in to kiss her. Everyone cheered and wolf whistled. I was going to tell her that I was filming everything but then I decided that it would be another cute surprise for her.

"Okay guys the food is all ready. Please help yourself there is plenty more to come!" The head chef announced

"No way did you get food" she said all excited to me

"Like you said you needed more then an Instagram post"

"How did you come up with all of this?" She asked me

"You can thank Mikey for this" I smiled looking over to Mikey who was doing some serious dad dancing on the floor.  She just smiled said me and we carried on swaying to the song.

"You believe in love?" I asked her

"I don't know. I guess so" she half laughed

"Well then Arielle. I'm deeply in like with you" I joked

"Jack I'm deeply in like with you too" she smiled as we kissed again. This was how things was meant to be. Me and her.

"Okay now food" she laughed. I released her from my grip and she walked over to the fold table. She was with Zoe who was also looking at the food. It was great knowing that she wasn't going to go a flirt with anyone also and that she is mine and loyal.

"Well done bro" Joe came up to me and pat my back. The rest of the boys then followed. Conor, Caspar, Oli Alfie, Marcus and Josh. 

"I can't believe I pulled this off" I laughed out of unbelievment

"Yeah to be honest none of us can either" Josh said whilst everyone laughed.

"I've literally never seen you do anything like this before" Conor stated

"Yeah I know. Crazy" I laughed. It was weird like thinking about it but it is definitely worth it. I was looking around at everyone. It was crazy how many people Arielle knew. Not even just from YouTube but other people. Crazy popular I guess.

"Okay now we have a special song for the birthday girl" one of the band member announced. I walked over to Arielle. I was wearing a white shirt with a black blazer I was then wearing some black suit trousers with it and a black tie.

Arielle's POV

"Did you know about this?" I asked Zoe as we were at the food table.

"Yes, everyone did" she laughed. "Well we knew about the party but we didn't know what Jack was organising" she added eating a cocktail sausage. "I didn't think he was going to pull it off to be honest. I thought he was going to call me up last minute and be like Zoe help me. But fair play he didn't" she laughed. I mingled with everyone as I didn't really wanna be that person who stays with one person for the whole night kinda thing. I got pictures with everyone and was just generally chatting.

"Okay now we have a special song for the birthday girl" one of the guys from the band spoke into the microphone. Jack walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I never really do cringy and cute when it comes to relationships but I guess it is nice to do it once and a while. I looked up to Jack and gave him a funny look. He just smiled mischievously. The band then started to play my favourite song fool for you by Zayn. Jack smiled and dragged my to the middle of the dance floor.

"Your such a dork" I laughed as we started to sway to the song. Everyone was watching us for the first minute or so taking pictures of us and snapchats and all that stuff.

"I've learnt that being a dork is a good thing" he then smiled. I just laughed back. Everyone else then joined in. Dancing with their significant other or just with a friend.

"Thank you for all this" I smiled to him

"You don't need to thank me honestly. It needed to be done anyway" he smiled. I kissed him lightly as we carried on dancing. After the song finished everyone applauded the band and then carried on mingling again.

"Off to get a wagamamas my arse" I walked over to Joe who was with Zoe and Conor

"Was that your excuse" Zoe laughed

"I panicked because at first I said I was just editing but then I was like shit that doesn't mean I have to go out" he laughed "so I was like I'll just go get some food and then I had to get changed in the back of the blimin' cab" he then added which made us all laugh again.

"Cake time!" Jack ran over to me after another hour of mingling. The drummer in the band did a little drum roll.

Happy birthday too you! Happy birthday too you! Happy birthday dear Arielle, happy birthday too you!

Everyone clapped and cheered as I blew out all the candles in one. The cake was black and white and was decorated like a channel box which was a cute touch.

"Thank you tonight babe" I said getting into bed next to Jack.

"Anything for you darling" he replied back wth snuggling into me more. "I realise I was being a bit of an ass so" he then laughed. He kissed in the crease of my neck and I soon fell off into a deep sleep

A/N: hiya guys! I would just like to so thank you so much for all your support and reads and votes. It means am much. I thought now that it would be a good time to say that basically my name isn't actually 'Laura'. I just use it as I prefer to remain anonymous when doing stuff like this. Just a personal thing I guess but I thought you should all know. Maybe one day I will do a little thing about myself but only if you guys would like. Thankyou ❤️

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