Guys Playing Football

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Jacks POV

Today was the day of the charity football match. We were playing at this little arena kinda thing so fans could come and watch and then this is how we would make the money for charity. On my team was myself, Joe, Conor, Josh and Mikey and on the other was Alfie, Marcus, Caspar, Callux and Jim. So I knew that it was gonna get really competitive and the fact that Alfie is on the opposite team to us will add an extra bit of competitiveness to they mix. I was actually at my own flat for once getting ready with Conor, Josh and Mikey. As Mikey just kinda knows everyone he somehow managed to get us all football shirts made with our surnames on the back. Our teams was black whilst the other was red. I sprayed in some deodorant and then put on the black t-shirt and the black shorts.

"We're actually going to be freezing" Conor laughed. I looked outside and it wasn't raining or anything but you could just tell it was cold outside. I fixed my hair in the mirror and then packed my Nike sports bag with my football boots and then some jogging bottoms and a hoodie for later on.

"Zoe is with Mark oh my god" I said looking at Arielle's snap chat story of Zoe and Mark dancing around her bedroom.

"Are they coming today?" Josh asked.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'. Even though we all clearly know that Mark would never try anything with Zoe we all know that it does get on Alfie's nerves. "And I'm guessing Mark is too" I laughed. This football match was about to get a whole lot more interesting.

After we finished getting ready we all jumped into Conor's car and then we drove to the arena/stadium place. As we arrived we went straight into the changing rooms with our team. We had a little 'team talk' and then ran outside on to the pitch for a warm up. It was actually crazy how many people there actually was at the stadium. Everyone cheered when people's names were called out on the team. On the side bench I saw Arielle with Zoe, Mark and baby Sophia. Alfies team then ran onto the pitch and began warming up. I could see him look over to Zoe and Mark and his jaw clench together.

As our team captain was Joe and Alfie was the other team captain they both walked to the inner circle to flip a coin to see who started with the ball.

"Tails" Alfie called. the referee flipped the coin and let it fall to the grass. They both then looked to the ground.


I could already tell Alfie was going to get annoyed about this. Alfie then ran back to his starting position as Joe walked to the ball. The referee blew his whistle and the crowd erupted into cheers.

Arielle's POV

"Watching guys play football is so hot like I don't understand why we don't do this more often" I said getting really into the football match. Well getting into the guys running around.

"Yeah I'm loving it" Zoe then laughed. Me Zoe and Mark were literally wrapped up from head to toe in any piece of clothing that you could think off as it was literally that cold outside. After the first half of the game the score was 2-1 to Joe's team which was the team that Jack was on and therefore had to support. Mark came back to the bench handing myself and Zoe a hotdog each.

"So what's been happening since I've last seen you?" Mark asked both me and Zoe.

"Gosh I think you better start with Zoe" I laughed putting extra ketchup onto the sausage. Mark then looked at Zoe all excited.

"Yeah tell me about you like all settling down and that" Mark said. Mark is like another Mikey, everything he does just makes me laugh so much.

"Honestly I don't know if I can go through with it" Zoe said talking quietly just incase someone heard.

"No way" Mark said all shocked. "Why?" He then asked.

"He's just being so high maintenance at the moment and it's just so hard to deal with and I don't know why? Like everything he wants to talk about is the wedding and he wants to make a video about the wedding and do this about the wedding and that about the wedding and I just can't deal with it" she said a tear rolled down her face. Lucky if anyway saw this she could just blame it on the cold making her eyes water. Mark gave her a supportive hug as all the guys ran back on.

"Hello gorgeous" Jack came over to me and gave me a hug. He was freezing cold. "Fucking hell you're cold" I laughed. Jack looked hot in his football clothes, I couldn't deny that.

"You like?" Jack said wiggling his eyebrows, him knowing that I was checking him out.

"Yeah not bad" I winked back as he pulled me into a kiss. The fans that were sitting near us made a little 'ohhh' noise like you do when you are in year 5. This made is both laughed into our kiss. When you're kissing someone and they smile or laugh, that's the best feeling.

Alfie's POV

Halftime of the football match and we are loosing 1-2 to joes team, which aren't even that good anyway. I washed my face down and then we had a little team talk to see what tactics we are going to go for. We had a team hug and then ran back onto the pitch.

Rule one with me - don't overstep my boundaries. And that's exactly what Mark has done. Even though I do trust Zoe, well after what's happened with us lately I really don't know. And running onto the pitch and seeing Zoe in Mark's arm was not okay. And then seeing all the fans go all emosh over Jack and Arielle pissed me off even more. Jarielle this and Jarielle that. That's all I even hear about these days and that's not how it should be. It should be Zalfie, that's how it's always been and that's how it will be. I'm not saying that Arielle and Jack can't be together, I'm just saying that they can't be bigger and better that me and Zoe. End off.

The referee blew the whistle and hat was the end of the match. Joe's team won 3-1 which really didn't help my mood.

"You did gooooood" Zoe hugged me.

"Yeah thanks" I said back not really shaping much expression as I walked into the changing room and then got changed into some jeans and a Pointlessblog hoodie. Everyone was gonna stay at Arielle's and Joe's house tonight as there was a party happening in celebration for the football match which quite a few people were gonna go too. Me Zoe baby Sophia and Mark all jumped into Zoe's car and headed back to our house to get ready. Then the day after next we are all heading back over to LA for the Teen Choice Awards which is where I'm determined that me and Zoe will win that Couple Award.

I just can't help being this competitive, oppps?

A/N. Hey guys, thankyou so so so much for all the support on this book at the moment, so I am thinking about wrapping up this book now as this will be chapter 72 of this book. Not too sure wether to have a happy ending or a well not so happy ending? Leave your suggestion for new books that you might want to to write (like who about or whatever?) or if you would like me to do a sequel to this one or something? Any suggestions are good suggestions. Lots of love X

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