Baby Face

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Arielle's POV

"Okay so this is Dubai day 1" I started my vlog spinning around. I was wearing a plain black bikini top and bottom and I had a floral kimono type thing on. And because we all had some serious Jet Lag it was already 2 in the afternoon. I then slipped on my white flip flops and double checked my sunglasses were in my messy bun. I waited for Zoe to finish using the toilet as she walked out wearing a light pink swimsuit. It was weird seeing her so large. Like she was literally due in a couple of months. And me and Zoe were always similar sizes so we we like share clothes and shoes but now we can't.

"You alright?" I asked

"Yeah let's go" she smiled grabbing a bottle of water. It took us longer then normal to get down to the beach as Zoe doesn't really walk at the moment. She kinda waddles.

"This is crazy hot" I half laughed walking out of the air conditioned building which was still too hot. We walked out onto the beach which burnt your feet if you stood still for too long.

"I got you two a virgin mojito" Jack walked over handing me and Zoe a drink each.

"Thank you baby face" I replied back with smiling and then finding some sun scream and rubbing it on myself and giving Zoe some. I then laid my towel over my sun lounger and then laid on top of that.

"I'm happy for you" Zoe said randomly.

"Why?" I laughed

"Just with Jack I guess"

"What do you mean?" I said still confused.

"Not going to lie like don't get me wrong I did like him but I didn't want you to be with him" she stated

"Okay?" I said slightly annoyed

"But just because I didn't want to see you get fucked over you know but now Jacks changed I guess and he treats you right" she then said making me less annoyed I guess. I get very protective of the people around me. Even more then I get protective over myself so you must get a feeling that that is a lot. I looked over to Jack who was playing around in the pool splashing Oli and cannonballing into the pool. It's crazy how this has happened. Like how me and Jack just get eachother and like the same things and have the same views and opinions on shit.

"Are you not scared?" I then asked Zoe. Obviously about the baby.

"For some reason no?" She laughed

"What the fuck" I laughed in response "I would be shitting myself"

"Yeah that's what I thought I would be like but I guess now it's actually happening I'm not scared?" She said going more high pitch at the last word showing that she wasn't too sure what she was saying. "Oh and guess what?" She added

"What?" I replied. When people say guess what does anyone ever bother to guess? Because I really don't.

"Me and Alfie have been speaking" she started

"Yeah?" I replied back with.

"We want you to be godmother slash auntie kinda thing" she said awkwardly not really knowing what words sound right.

"What are you serious?" I said shocked.

"Of course! Who else could we of picked?" She exclaimed sitting up and giving me a big hug.

"You guys seriously didn't have to oh my gosh" i replied with giving her another hug. After a couple of hours of us having a bit of a girly gossip the boys finally emerged from sea.

"Ew your all wrinkly" Zoe giggled as Alfie wrapped one of his arms over her shoulder.

"Okay should we get ready for dinner?" Conor asked. Conor is always hungry. Literally all the time. We all agreed and took a stroll back to the apartment.

Jacks POV

Everything is always later when you go on holiday. Me and Ari were sharing a room which never really ended well as we were just too messy for eachother. We have been here was like not even a day and you already can't see the floor.

"What are you wearing?" She asked me looking through a pile of clothes.

"Some navy shorts and a white t-shirt why?" I asked

"Because we can be co-ordinated" she smiled picking up a dress and talking off her dressing gown. She slipped into this navy backlass navy dress

"What do you think of this?" She asked flattening it out

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"What do you think of this?" She asked flattening it out.

"I like it" I smirked "makes your bum look nice" I winked as she sat down at the desk and starting her make up. She put her hair up into a messy bun but then curled her loose hairs. She put some red lipstick on and then did her usual make up.

"Had Joe actually said sorry to you?" I asked her

"Not really no" she laughed "but I'm over it I guess" she added. "Life's to short" she then added. Which is true I guess. But it's crazy how she forgives people she loves so quickly. Because she loves them.

We took a couple of selfies in the mirror and then asked Conor to take some picture of us on the balcony.

"Naa sorry I have to post this" Ari then said walking over to me. It was a picture of us two actually being serious for once. We were both smiling and looking at the camera in the right direction. Arielle wasn't really the once to post pictures of us all loved up on Instagram or snapchat or whatever so she has to proper like a picture to post it.

Favourite place with my favourite person

She then tagged me in it and added the heart emoji on the end. I liked it and then commented something stupid to make it seem less cringy.

Cringy is not okay

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